Karl Rove resigns as Deputy Chief of Staff


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Rove Resigns

Here's the video: Resignation

And so the house of cards continues to fall down. I mean I still can't believe it myself. I'd expect Alberto Gonzales to have resigned first. No ones buys the whole spend more time with family alibi right?


New member
Maybe not, but when you think about it Mr. Rove doesn't have that much to do around the White House now since Bush is a lame duck facing an uncooperative Congress. There's only a slew of insurmountable political challenges for Rove as a White House political advisor. Given his political acumen it isn't surprising that he wants to go take a breather and then do something else. Probably he'll pop up in 6 mos to a year doing what he did best, working to elect controversial Republicans.

I for one doubt that his career as a Republican party politico has ended.


New member
House of cards my butt. I'd say this is as savvy a political move as ever. By doing this, Rove has singlehandedly removed the dems biggest whipping boy and the source of all their failed ambitions. Why in the world would every dem be so glum if this was not the case. You should have seen their faces. Wrought with disappointment all they could manage were some paltry parting shots.

Now he can go to work for the R machine for the 08 election without having to deal with every witchhunt that comes down the pipe.

No wonder they call him the architect.


New member
Lets see who's campaign he joins. Then again there was a lot of talk about his power after the Republicans lost the last election. For the president I don't think it means much. He's mostly powerless as it is.



New member
Lemme see if I got it right. Congress has investigations lined up like the approach to LAX to get Rove. As part of the executive branch he and his can claim executive privilege and back it up with taxpayer bought and paid for lawyers. So now he wanders off into the sunset without executive coverage and without aforementioned lawyers.

Something else is afoot here. He is not leaving to spend more time with his family. Something is coming along which necessitates him being out of the WH.


New member
I don't think there will be any job offers coming from Republican candidates, Rove is damaged goods for awhile. They're all trying to distance themselves from Bush.

House of cards my butt. I'd say this is as savvy a political move as ever. By doing this, Rove has singlehandedly removed the dems biggest whipping boy and the source of all their failed ambitions. Why in the world would every dem be so glum if this was not the case. You should have seen their faces. Wrought with disappointment all they could manage were some paltry parting shots.

Now he can go to work for the R machine for the 08 election without having to deal with every witchhunt that comes down the pipe.

No wonder they call him the architect.

I agree completely. He'll be behind the scenes somewhere.


New member
It seems Rove was called to testify to the grand jury in the Plame leak case five times. Scooter Libby was convicted and sentenced to stiff jail time and huge fines because he said he didn't remember the order of occurrence of some events in this case. Then it turns out that the Special Prosecutor knew that the real leaker was a Leftist in State Department, Richard Armitage, and he knew it before the "investigation" started. Is it not surprising that Armitage was never charged?

Now the Democrats are in a big hurry to find some sort of crime in the US Attorney firings. It turns out that these five US Attorneys were not responding to requests from the Attorney General to investigate and prosecute known vote fraud that happened in their districts in the 2006 elections. So they were fired. No wonder the Democrats are so upset. Everyone knows that over 90% of dead voters vote for Democrats.


New member
I don't get it. Rove the Genius has plenty left to do. The GOP hasn't been totally destroyed yet. Plenty of unfinished business there. Perhaps his last brilliant advice for Bush was to try and "punish" America for rejecting his "comprehensive reform" lunacy. Teach 'em a lesson, George, show 'em they can't live without cheap lettuce, the morons.


New member
Rove Exits

While he spins. The man's legacy is a conservative movement largely discredited and disunited, a president with lower consistent approval ratings than any in modern history, a generational shift to the Democrats, a resurgent al Qaeda, an endless catastrophe in Iraq, a long hard struggle in Afghanistan, a fiscal legacy that means bankrupting America within a decade, and the poisoning of American religion with politics and vice-versa. For this, he got two terms of power - which the GOP used mainly to enrich themselves, their clients and to expand government's reach and and drain on the productive sector. In the re-election, the president with a relatively strong economy, and a war in progress, managed to eke out 51 percent. Why? Because Rove preferred to divide the country and get his 51 percent, than unite it and get America's 60. In a time of grave danger and war, Rove picked party over country. Such a choice was and remains despicable.

Rove is one of the worst political strategists in recent times. He took a chance to realign the country and to unite it in a war - and threw it away in a binge of hate-filled niche campaigning, polarization and short-term expediency. His divisive politics and elevation of corrupt mediocrities to every branch of government has turned an entire generation off the conservative label. And rightly so. It will take another generation to recover from the toxins he has injected, with the president's eager approval, into the political culture and into the conservative soul.


That's pretty much what I think about this. Good riddance, Karl Rove.


New member
Nothing politically savvy about it...No next term for Bush. Man has got to have a job to pay the bills.


WASHINGTON -- A leading US newspaper called on Congress Tuesday to pursue its investigation of departing White House adviser Karl Rove, whom it accused of pursuing a ruthless brand of politics as "blood sport."

"By getting out of town he is...hoping to avoid spending any time at all with congressional investigators," the influential New York Times wrote.

Of COURSE that's what the NYT wants to pursue. While I think Rove is slimy, it'd be nicer if the NYT cared as much about pursuing terrorists as they do about pursuing him! :barf:


New member
Quinn of Quinn and Rose fame claims to have a well placed source in a position to know (so take it with a grain of salt). Quinn says Rove was given the heave-ho because he completely misread the amnesty fight. Rove evidently convinced Bush to push amnesty one last time and it would surely be passed. Bush believed him and the whole issue was shoved back into Bush's face. If true Rove will not be a back room operator at the Bush level. He may have some influence in congressional elections where he is not considered to be radioactive. Best bet is Rove is about to get a nice advance on a kiss and tell book.


New member

Since Bush had his colon examined and they found his head, Carl isn't need any more. I'm sure he'll be planning something for somebody, and it can't be good.


New member
Yeah. For 8 years and accomplishing nothing...except for dragging the Republican name through the mud, handing the nanny-staters a majority in both houses, and singlehandedly creating a Dem majority for the next 3 cycles.
Way to be.
And what did we get from all of this? Anyone? 4 years "R" majority. What do we have?

It wasn't worth it. Rove can get bent AFAIC.


New member
What they accomplished is less important than the fact they were in the position to accomplish something.

Before you can start changing things you have to be in power. Whatever else, I'd rather have a republican administration thats a disappointment than a democratic one.

Like it or not, Rove was very VERY successful at what he did.


What he did was destroy the republican parties credibility.

If it were constitutionally possible Bill Clinton would win the next election by a landslide, a huge landslide. Alas the democrats don't seem to be able to put forth a moderate democrat in the primary.

Too bad Guliani or Romney aren't democrats, or at least registered as democrats or one of them would be the next president. Karl Rove and Foxnews have pushed the republican base so far to the right that the party is actually flirting with Newt.

Rove's departure was probably assisted by republican party strategists who actually want to accomplish something other than winning an election. Rove and Bush proved that winning an election isn't always the same as succesfull governing.