Kansas Convert


New member
I have been working with a 50 year old who has not been an active anti gun guy, just didn't have any desire to touch, shoot, or own guns. About a month ago I asked him if he wanted to go to the range with me. He reluctantly accepted. When we arrived at the indoor range I asked the owner if I could use his class room for a few minutes. I spent about 45 minutes familiarizing him with my guns. I took a 9mm semi, .38 snubby, and 1911A1. After going over the guns and rules of the range we went to our lane. I decided not to shoot, instead to concentrate on helping him. We shot for over an hour. He loved it.

Fast forward 30 days. He wants me to help him pick a new wheel gun. He intends to get his CCL as soon as they are available. Kansas just passed CC, it is effective 1-1-07. He has thanked me 10 times for educating him about firearms, his 2nd amendment rights, and taking the time to teach him basic gun safety. He said a year ago if he was told he would be amped up about buying a gun he would have not believed it.

A responsible gun owner has been born!


New member
what a great story! That makes my day when someone takes the time to understand the shooting sports. It really is a great sport and a ton of fun.

Good Job!