Kansas City to Lose all gun shows

Alan B

New member
It seems that the Kansas City school district is going to purchase the Kansas City Market Center where the shows are held. As.. “get this” investment property..what? for several Million dollars. They are proposing to operate the place under the following rules
1. No Beer sales (good by Hot Rod shows)

2. No Firearms (good by gun shows)

Now considering the Kansas City school district has lost its state accreditation and has only one more year to regain it, or the state is going to break it up. Why are they buying investment property? (oh its in the flood plain too) Wouldn't one think the money would be better spent on fixing what has been a failing school district (for the last 20 years or more) than on investment property where their two new rules will cause a loss in weekend bookings by at least 25% in a year (I dont know how many Hot Rod type shows they have in a year but there is about one gun show a month there) US Weapons has about 10 show per year and Missouri Valley has two shows one of which is the NRA show in July.

If you live in Missouri call your state rep and ask why the Kansas City schools is going to waste the money on a building instead of the students. After all in little more than a year every one in Missouri will get the chance to pay to “fix” this district again..when the state takes control.
(remember the court ordered desegregation case where a Federal Judge by a court order stole money from all the other districts in the state so they could fix the Kansas City and the St Louis districts)

It looks like someone is trying to squeeze some bucks out of the KC school district and the gun owners are caught in the middle


New member
Just another example of entirely too much money being available to government at all levels. Someone's priorities are seriously out of whack.

Take the money out of government and this nonsense will disappear.


New member
I attended the show at KC this past week end. I over heard several exhibtors talking about the loss of the facility. It seems as if the organizers of the show went to the city and asked to use the municipal auditorum. No go. They asked for another place and again no go. There is another place on the Kansas side that has had some shows. However, I understand that it has been sold and will become offices. For those of us in the greater KC area that want to attend shows it seems as if we will have to go to Springfield or Joplin, Mo. or Topeka, KS.

Alan B

New member
Oh the shows will start up again, some day. When the KC Market center gets sold someone else will build another facility to host similar venues (there is money to be made). However it will take years to rebuild the shows to their current levels, even after a brief shut down of a few months.
The tragdey here is that it will take years to rebuild what we have now, and you can't beat current location. The US Weapons Shows will probably survive but the two Big Missouri Valley shows may not and that would be a tragedy as these shows tend to attract exhibtors other shows don't.
As far as Kansas City allowing them to use any city facilities...they would burn in hell first! The bleeding harts in city government are about as dense as say Chuck Shumer, Dianne Fienstine, Maxine Waters et al. If you didn't know better you would think they are from California, New York or Mass


New member
If the promoters are smart they will sue in federal court for the right to hold gun shows. Any that have gone to court have been very profitable for the promoters, to the tune of hundreds of thousands of dollars, and it has happened all over the country. It is a violation of the first amendment right to free speech, lawful assembly, and freedom of expression to prohibit a legal activity from taking place in a public facility that is available for rent by promoters for various events.


New member
Jeff OTMG, I heard Friday night that the promoters were going to or are in the process of suing Kansas City. I hope they do and they win.