Kansas City Mall Shooting


New member
Without knowing more, I'm guessing the man will turn out to be someone who wasn't quite right to begin with.

4 Killed in Kansas City Violence
Apr 29 09:16 PM US/Eastern
Associated Press Writer

KANSAS CITY, Mo. (AP) - A man driving a dead woman's car shot a police officer, then opened fire in a parking lot and a mall Sunday, authorities said. By the end of the day, four people, including the gunman, were dead.
Police shot the gunman to death outside a Target store inside Ward Parkway Center in south Kansas City, police spokesman Tony Sanders said.

Target employee Cassie Bradshaw, 19, was in a break room with two other people when they heard shots. Then, her co-workers saw a man in his 50s with a rifle "shooting everywhere," she said.

"It sounded like maybe firecrackers at first but then they got louder and louder and louder, and it sounded like someone shooting a gun," she said.

The string of violence began early Sunday afternoon, when police went to a home to check on an elderly woman relatives hadn't seen for days. The woman was found dead and her car missing, Sanders said.

The car was spotted later in the day at a gas station by an officer, who pulled the driver over and was shot in the arm, police said. The officer, whose wound was not life-threatening, returned fire and shattered the window of the gunman's car.

The car took off and was seen later at the shopping center. The man pulled into a parking space and fired at the cars on either side of him, killing two people, authorities said. He fired more shots, wounding two people, then went inside the mall, Sanders said.

Police did not say how the elderly woman died, or if the gunman was a suspect in her death. But they did say they believed the events were connected.

The mall, one of the city's busiest shopping centers, was shut down and officers were going through each store to see if anyone else might have been involved, Sanders said.

The gunman and victims' names were not immediately released, and conditions of the wounded were not available.


New member
CNN has quoted a witness who stated that it was a "sawed-off shotgun".

I wouldn't take that as gospel truth, given the media's and general public's notoriusly inaccurate gun identification.

Hang on folks. Here we go again...



New member
We live about 5 miles from there and go to the theatre there occasionally to take in a movie. Drop in at the Target store for kitty litter etc. on occasion too.

The mall has seen better days but the owners keep refreshing the place and the mall shows renewed figor for a while. Then they refresh the place again and the stores get leased again.

This could spell disaster for the place, it sure did for those folks killed that day. The place just gets on its feet again and is a pleasant place to stop, now this. Sad, really sad.


New member
Here's the latest update I picked off of CNN.

Sister: Mall shooter was mentally ill

POSTED: 8:01 p.m. EDT, April 30, 2007

KANSAS CITY, Missouri (AP) -- A former Target employee who was turned down for a private security license and planned to "cause havoc" was identified Monday as the man suspected of killing two people in a crowded mall parking lot before he was shot by police.

David W. Logsdon, 51, had been stopped by police while driving the car of his next-door neighbor, who police had found dead in her home hours earlier.

Police did not say how Patricia Ann Reed, 67, died or if Logsdon was a suspect in her death, but they believed the events were connected.

"David Logsdon had a plan," police chief James Corwin said. "And that plan was that he had been an employee of that Target store and had been turned down for a private security license. His objective was to go to the mall and cause havoc."

Logsdon had applied to the police department to be certified as a security guard but he had two outstanding city warrants and was denied, police said. It was not clear when he was turned down.
Logsdon's sister, Kathryn Cagg, said he was mentally ill and an alcoholic. She said the family was concerned he would commit suicide in October 2005 and had taken him for treatment, but he was released from the treatment after six hours.

She also apologized to the victims' families but did not take questions.

"When a tragedy like this occurs, we want to understand the reasons. There is no way to understand this senseless act and so we must, we must turn it over to God," Cagg said.
The company said Logsdon was a former "team member" at the store and that "he left on his own accord" in November 2006. No further details about his employment were provided.
I'd like to know how/where/why the police say he had "a plan to cause havoc" or that such was his intent. Was there a statement by him to that effect?

The family took him for treatment. Unclear is whether that was treatment for mental illness or alcoholism. Apparently he didn't appear to be suicidal or a threat to others to be released after only six hours.

This is at least the 2nd hi-profile incident involving a shooter who is deemed "mentally ill". It's important to note that this guy would have been stopped by any type of "check system" since he (so far as we know) has never been declared or adjudicated mentally-ill.


New member
I think the eventuality is they want to add "Belonging to the genus 'Homo'" as the list of thos unable to own guns. This would include all monkeys besides humans.