Kalifornia - Will the AR180B be legal for sale?


New member
This is for the ocuppied territory of Kalifornia, when the AR180B becomes available, do you think it will be sold in Kali? If the rifle is sold without the evil pistol grip, it would be no different than the Mini-14. Since it is not an AR or AK clone, it fires friendly bullets and is not a danger to society.

What do you think?


New member
Not a Commifornia res so don't take this as the gospel, but I think it comes down to one question - will it accept a high cap mag?

Answer (afik) yep. Thus - no to 4 sale in CA.


New member
Dave, stop it, my sides are hurting! Whew, California allowing a new 'assault weapon' for sale within their borders

Really, that was a good one, though! Thanks for the laugh!! ;)

Seriously, I think it resembles an AR closely enough that it won't be for sale in CA in anything close to it's current form. It by some miracle it does happen, they won't let it happen for long.

Of course, if simon wins, you may have a chance.


New member
My Mini-14 accepts high cap mags and it would never hurt anyone. They allow us the priviledge of this fine, fine weapon.

Maybe if we paint it pink and put hearts and flowers on the polymer stock, they will warm up to it.

Seriously, isn't it frickin insane. The AR, Mini, and AR180B fire the exact same bullet at the same rate. One is allowed and the other isn't. Can someone give Osama directions to Sacramento please? When you really read the Bill of Rights, you have more of a right to a fully automatic M16 than you do to a Ruger 10/22.
Giving Bin Laden directions to Sacramento? Hmmm... Follow your nose and where the fecal smell is the strongest, Eureka!


New member
Assault Weapons
Identification Guide
The purpose of this guide is to assist peace officers, firearms dealers, and the general public in the identi-fication
of assault weapons and to provide for the better understanding of some of the more significant
recently enacted legislation.

Category 1. The Roberti-Roos Assault Weapons Control Act of 1989
This was California’s first assault weapons act. Under this act, any firearm on a list specified in Penal Code
section 12276 is considered an assault weapon. Such assault weapons are controlled (i.e., may not be legally
purchased, kept for sale, offered for sale, exposed for sale, given, lent, manufactured, distributed, or imported)
after December 31, 1991, and were required to be registered as assault weapons with the Department of Justice
no later than March 31, 1992. In addition, the Roberti-Roos Assault Weapons Control Act controlled AK and
AR-15 series assault weapons (Penal Code section 12276, subd (e) and (f) - see Category 2). These assault
weapons are controlled regardless of whether they have Category 3 (Penal Code section 12276.1 - SB 23)

Category 2. AK and AR-15 Series Weapons
The California Supreme Court upheld the constitutionality of the Roberti-Roos Assault Weapons Control Act of
1989 in Kasler v. Lockyer. This decision took effect August 16, 2000. Effective August 16, 2000, firearm
models that are variations of the AK or AR-15, with only minor differences from those two models, are assault weapons under the original Roberti-Roos Assault Weapons Control Act of 1989. AK and AR-15 series weap-ons
are controlled as of August 16, 2000, and must be registered as assault weapons with the Department of
Justice on or before January 23, 2001. The only alternatives to registration are permanently removing from the
state, rendering permanently inoperable, destroying, or relinquishing the weapon to a law enforcement agency.
These assault weapons are controlled regardless of whether they have Category 3 (Penal Code section 12276.1 -SB
23) characteristics.

Category 3. Generic Characteristics
As of January 1, 2000, Senate Bill 23 (Chapter 129, Statutes of 1999) provides that firearms that have character-istics
falling under any of the categories listed in Penal Code section 12276.1 are also considered to be assault
weapons. These assault weapons are controlled as of January 1, 2000, and must be registered as assault weap-ons
with the Department of Justice on or before December 31, 2000. As an alternative to registration, these
weapons may be permanently removed from the state, rendered permanently inoperable, destroyed, relinquished
to law enforcement agencies, or have the assault weapon characteristics permanently removed before December
31, 2000.

The ACT provides in part:
12276. As used in this chapter, “assault weapon” shall
mean the following designated semiautomatic firearms:
(a) All of the following specified rifles:

(17) Armalite AR-180.

MANUFACTURER: various manufacturers
MARKINGS: Armalite AR-180 located on the right side of the receiver.
Comments: Various other markings, including the name of manufacturer, are found on the
firearm, but they are not material to identifying it as an assault weapon.

Generic Characteristics Defining Assault Weapons:
12276.1 (a) Notwithstanding Penal Code section 12276, “assault weapon” shall also mean the following:
(1) A semiautomatic, centerfire rifle that has the capacity to accept a detachable magazine and any one of
the following:
(A) A pistol grip that protrudes conspicuously beneath the action of the weapon.
(B) A thumbhole stock.
(C) A folding or telescoping stock.
(D) A grenade launcher or flare launcher.
(E) A flash suppressor.
(F) A forward pistol grip.
(2) A semiautomatic, centerfire rifle that has a fixed magazine with the capacity to accept more than 10
(3) A semiautomatic, centerfire rifle that has an overall length of less than 30 inches.


New member
The M1A

may be sold in California because it has no pistol grip. Same with Marlin Camp Carbine. See dZ's post. On the back page of shotgun news, I saw AK's with no pistol grips that looked like they'd pass muster (with no bayo lug or flash supp).

Let's keep our fingers crossed that a few make it into the state before any more restrictions are enacted.

4V50 Gary, stop saying bad things about the City of Eureka. ;)



New member
AK? Nope:

Effective August 16, 2000, firearm
models that are variations of the AK or AR-15, with only minor differences from those two models, are assault weapons under the original Roberti-Roos Assault Weapons Control Act of 1989


New member

They aren't called AKs. The're called the Sporter 47 or some damn thing. I don't have the issue with me. Why else would you put an AK-looking semi-auto in a monte carlo stock? God, how low we have sunk.



New member
Banning assault rifles - Bah! A rifle is a rifle. A gun is a gun. A knife is a knife.

Lincoln was assasinated with a derringer. Garfield and McKinley with revolvers (as I recall). F. D. Roosevelt almost with a revolver. J. Kennedy was wacked with a rusty Italian bolt Mauser action hunting rifle adapted for combat and cheaply scoped. M. L. King was slayed with a Browning pump hunting rifle (one shot-one kill). R. Kennedy and almost Reagan with a .22 cheap but effective revolver.

Ammusing isn't it? Any semi-automatic rifle is the same, whether it has a pistol grip, wood or plastic furniture. A .223 Mini-14 in any config from Ruger in close quarters is as deadly and realible a weapon as any AR-15, AK, or AR-180B (just ask the FBI about 1987). Big feeling politics is all those stupid laws are about.

Want to clear a room, use a Winchester Defender in 12GA, or for that matter 20GA. Want to assasinate someone from a distance, a Rem 700 in any caliber .223 and above with a good scope will do the job.

Can you imagine, in Illinois, they still ban switchblades because of some stupid 50's blackboard jungle movie that scared some housewives, yet today's legal one hand opening knives are much more quick and deadly than any cheap Italian POS brittle switchblade.

Go figure.


New member
Switchblades are banned by federal law by some interstate commerce act, and my state (MA) bans them by state law. But yes, it was because of some 1950s movie. How they are more of a menace than a sheath knife is beyond me.