Kahr vs. Glock


New member
I am really having problems deciding between purchasing a Kahr k9 or a glock 19. I really like both guns very much. I do not plan on using these guns for concealed carry so that is not an issue. My main purpose for these guns will be general range shooting and home defense. The most important qualities in a handgun for me personally are reliability, length of service life, ease of maintenance/cleaning, and durability. Of these 2 guns, which one fits the bill better? I hope to one day own both, but right now can only afford one. Thanks.

Gary H

New member
I have a couple of Glocks and a K-9. Totally different trigger actions. Very different feel in the hand. My Kahr is not nearly as accurate as my Glocks. Both are easy to care for. The Kahr's grip is very comfortable. All have proven to be reliable. Kahr is very easy to conceal. Giving my Kahr to my father. Double action is not to my liking. Put Lightening Strike triggers & 3# connectors on my Glocks and the triggers are close to the feel of single action. The DAO trigger is probably safer for someone that doesn't put in much practice time.


New member
If available, find a range that rents. Try both and see what feels best to you. I have both and feel you can't lose with either one.


New member
I find it harder to be accurate at long ranges with a long trigger pull. No doubt this is merely lack of training. Given that, I would choose the Glock.

May I ask why the G19? The G17 or G34 would seem to be better choices.

Enjoy whatever you get.


New member
I have fired all three guns. The glock 19 and the K9 fit my hand better that the glock 17. That's why I am trying to narrow it down to one of these 2 guns.


New member
Both are great pistols. The Kahr has a very smooth revolver like trigger. The G19 is like all Glocks, like a rifle trigger with some initial takeup. I have a Kahr MK9 and a G19. I use the G19 for home defense and G17 too. I do my range and plinking with the G17.

If you have no experience with semi-auto's but you do with revolvers then you might prefer the Kahr. Generally, if you have no experience with handguns at all, I would avoid the Glocks until you get experienced. When you have a chambered Glock there is no margain for error. Keep your finger off the trigger, period, unless you intend to shoot what you aim at.

That is the only way to treat weapons in any condition, it is just extra critical when dealing with Glocks. Now some will poo poo this, but WE ALL have lapses in concentration. Just a fact of life. I wish Glock had a real safety. Then it would just about be perfect, for me anyway.

If you choose a Glock, practice picking up your Glock and holding it when not ready to shoot, by putting your index finger on the little indentation on the takedown mechanism. You should use that technique on any weapon, the Glock just has that neat little area to feel.

For what it is worth, my first handgun for home defense was a Ruger SP101. That was an excellent weapon to cut my teeth on. The consistent double action of a revolver or a pistol like the Kahr makes you think a bit when pulling the trigger.


New member
I have owned both. The K9 fits my hand better and is smaller overall, but felt heavier carried IWB in an inexpensive Uncle Mike's holster. My Kahr was unreliable. My G19 does not fit my hand as well, is larger in all dimensions... but is stone cold reliable. If I were you I would go with the Glock 19.


New member
I own a G26, G23 and Kahr P9. The G23 is the same size as the G19, only in 40S&W.

Since concealed carry is not an issue, a gun with a longer barrel will be much more accurate and fun to shoot for target shooting. I would choose the G19 hands down. You might want to consider the 9mm Practical/Tactical, with its longer barrel, if target shooting/ home defense will be its primary use.


New member
The Kahr is a concealed carry weapon. Fantastic for this purpose.
Bigger guns are always "easier" to shoot. But the gun at home in the nightstand is worthless when trying to save your life.

My Kahr goes everywhere with me in a Kramer IWB#2 and hides easily under a light shirt. It is easier to hide than even the smallest Glock. I can shoot it pretty accurately, but my full sized Glocks will win a bullseye contest every time.


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Mark King

New member

For the purposes you describe, range work and home defense, I would suggest the G19. If you were going to carry the pistol concealed, the Kahr pistols are outstanding in this respect. As mentioned earlier, see if you can find a range that rents both.

Mark / FL


New member
Kahr K9

I would go with the Kahr K9. Not only a very dependable Pistol,and fun to shoot, but also looks much better nickel plated.
And if you ever do need a concealed carry pistol you got one of the best.



Ala Dan

Member in memoriam
Greeting's Folk's;

FWIW, I would choose the Glock 19; as it is very
rugged, reliable, and accurate. And because it has
the tennifer finish process; you ain't gonna wear
it out!!!:D:)

Best Wishes,
Ala Dan, Life Member N.R.A.

Gary H

New member
I would need to be about fifteen feet away to make that kind of pattern with my Kahr...bench rest. Sent my gun back twice because of poor performance. It started out shooting 20+ inch groups at 25 yards. Of course, even that sort of accuracy would work at five yards. After two trips to Kahr I'm down to 5"+. My P7M8 is slightly larger and is much more accurate. I had a compact Glock 33 that did 2" bench rest. My Glock 21 bests the 33 and the 35 with aftermarket barrel best all but my P7. Now, that is bench rest. I'm not great with the DAO trigger, so off-hand shooting is much better with my P7's and Glocks. That's just me. I've practiced with DAO and DA/SA and I was never very good with the DA shot when compared to SA, or the modified triggers seen on the Glocks, or P7's.

If you want a good trigger, great safety and really accurate then go with the P7. The Glock with trigger mods would be next. The trigger mod mentioned in my post above makes the Glock trigger as good as the P7 trigger. I would not personally buy another Kahr, unless I wanted a very small carry weapon in 9mm, or .40. If I wanted a pretty gun that feels great in the hand..can't beat the Kahr.

Shooting these guns is most important. Our opinion is useful, but secondary to your hands on experience. Some ranges rent and I'm sure there are TFL'ers in your area with these weapons.


New member
I have owned both. For home defense and general needs I would go with the glock. There are a ton of accessories, mags etc. Both are great guns. Hopefully, Glock will bring out the slimline 9mm and that will solve our problem.


New member
Get the Glock 19 first. It has more rounds available, even with the neutered ten round magazines, than the Kahr, it's lighter and if you buy a third generation 19 with the rail system you can mount a light for your home defense needs.


New member
I have to agree with the G19. High capacity mags are available for these pistols as well as other features such as accessory rails and barrel/slide porting.

The Glock is a larger weapon with a thicker grip section making extended shooting sessions at the range more comfortable. Corrosion resistance is another major plus for the Glock. The Glock will digest anything you care to feed it to FMJ's to wide mouth Corbon 115gr JHP+P ammo with no problems. Aftermarket barrels, sights and holsters are also easier to find for the Glocks.

Good Shooting