Kahr slide rails


New member
So I was thinking about getting a Kahr for days I don't feel like packing a 1911. I saw a few pictures of ones disassembled and it looked like the rails for the slide were all polymer I didn't see any inserts of any kind...

Is that actually the case? If it is I'd assume it must not be a problem with their following but wanted to know.


New member
As RX-79G's link shows, the polymer-framed Kahr slide rides on steel inserts front and rear. The rear inserts are blackened and blend into the black polymer frame, and the long front inserts are in a somewhat unconventional location in the front dustcover (in an arrangement not unlike that of the CZ-75).

I've put several thousand rounds through my CM9 at this point without a single malfunction so the slide rail arrangement on these pistols obviously works.


New member
My son is an LEO and used a Kahr as a back up. One of the steel slide rails tore loose from the frame during practice firing. He sent it back to Kahr and they fixed it, no questions asked.


New member
One of the steel slide rails tore loose from the frame
The four rails are actually much larger steel frames that are imbedded in the polymer, not "pieces". A rail that "tore off" could not be repaired as the frame would be ruined.


New member
The four rails are actually much larger steel frames that are imbedded in the polymer, not "pieces". A rail that "tore off" could not be repaired as the frame would be ruined.

Correct; They sent him a new gun. Should have been a bit more specific about that.:eek:


I hope he didn't carry it after that. Metals show the occasional void or heat treatment problem. Plastics do not - I'd be damned if that isn't a design issue.

DT Guy

New member
I hope he didn't carry it after that. Metals show the occasional void or heat treatment problem. Plastics do not - I'd be damned if that isn't a design issue.

If you're implying that the design is 'fatally flawed', how would you explain the many (MANY-Kahr is making a LOT of guns these days) high round-count guns without an issue?



I dunno. I've heard of so many Kahr polymer issues. I also know that most guns aren't shot very much. Sounds like the OP gun was shot a fair amount.

What is a reasonable explanation for how a polymer frame fails this way? If it was something about the way the slide was made, it is going to do the same kind of damage to the frame over time. If it is a frame problem, how do you have an issue with a simple injection molded part that is one-off?

In general, I think we are way too forgiving and fail to ask good questions when this stuff happens. There are some sorts of problems and failures that are truly random - especially when you're talking about machined metal parts. Other parts are just too simple in their manufacture to have a great deal of QC variance, IMO.


New member
I had a ton of issues with my Kahr 45. Without getting into all of the issues I will focus only on my frame. The rails seemed to be embedded in the polymer at a lower level than the rest of the frame. This was causing failures. The slide was running on polymer and heating it until bunches of plastic were building up on the back end of the frame. I actually had to shave off the masses of build up. Customer service suggested I continue shooting for the break in period of 500 rounds before I sent it in. That is quite an investment in ammo just to see if it will start working properly. The polymer also felt very cheap compared to other makers. I am so unhappy with the company that I won't chance buying another.


New member
Kahr makes fine pistols. I've had my PM9 for several years now and have had zero issues right out of the box. Being a sub compact, and I do mean sub, it's not my range day gun, but I routinely put rounds down the pipe just to maintain proficiency. I wouldn't hesitate buying another Kahr Polymer pistol.


New member
I have owned two guns made by Kahr. First, I owned a CW45 that I had nothing but issues out of. It would fail to load a round at least once per magazine and the rails heavily built up the plastic shavings in the back like Ace_Breaker mentioned. I sold the gun at a pretty big loss so I wouldn't have to deal with it anymore. About a year later I was looking at buying a new carry gun and decided to look into Kahr one more time because I actually did like the design and feel of the CW45. I ended up buying a CW40 and it functioned flawlessly through the 2000 or so rounds that I put through it before selling it.


New member
I've never had a single problem with my Kahr. No failures of any kind. The rails are a little different than my other guns but you only notice during cleaning. If you like it, get it. Kahr makes great guns