Kahr Questions


New member

I've got a Kahr K40 that I bought in 1998 and I've been very pleased with it. I'm thinking of adding a polymer P40 to my collection since it uses the same magazines as my K40, same ammo, same holsters, you get the idea.

I often carry my K40 as an off-duty gun. While I rarely carry a backup gun off-duty, I was thinking that a P40 would make an excellent backup to my K40 when I do carry a B/U off-duty since I could feed both guns off the same magazines. It would make a fine on-duty backup also. Its light enough for an ankle holster, which my K40 really is not, at least for me. I've tried it.

So, I'm wondering if anyone has any experience with the P40, good or bad?

Also, does anyone know if Kahr is planning on offering any of their pistols in 357SIG, or if anyone offers a Kahr barrel in 357 SIG?



New member
I rented a P40 once, but found it to be a bear to shoot. The 9mm P9 is much more controllable IMO. However, given your idea of sharing magazines and probable longer experience with shooting .40 autos you might have a different opinion.

Eric Larsen

New member
As a long time lover of the 40 Kahrs..my question was posed to Kahr a couple of years ago. The Sig barrel isnt something they are gonna build....according to their Tech Guy..who is very nice.
Theyve had a number of requests for it..and IMO, would be foolish not to offer it as an option for at least the K/MK series guns.....the guns would take the punishment of the Sig round.
Offering a 'drop in barrel" would be a very very wise move on their part...but thats just me. BarSto has said they are working on one...every six months for a couple of years now. If they get enough orders they will do it surely!, but "it will take six months"
:D :rolleyes:
Shoot well


New member

Yea, I figured that the P40 would be quite a handfull. I've never had a problem with the 9mm as a defensive round, so long as I got to pick the ammo for it (that is light to middle weight JHP bullet, velocity over 1200fps). I bought the K40 rather than the K9 because my department issues the HK USP40 Compact as a duty weapon and I wanted to get an off-duty/backup weapon in the same caliber so I could get practice and carry ammo from the department for it. It so happens that the 155 grain Silvertip is our duty load, and the Kahr likes it quite a bit.

If I was starting from scratch I think I would buy a K9 in stainless with night sights and a P9 for backup. However, since I already have the K40 I'm thinking it makes more sense to buy a P40 rather than spend twice the money on two new Kahrs.

I too am a big fan of the Kahr pistols. I like to take credit for starting the "Kahr Trend" at my department. I was the first officer at the PD to buy a Kahr, and now the Kahr is second only to the Glock 27 as the most common backup/off-duty gun at the PD. We have officers with K and MK series guns in 9mm and .40. I'm not sure if anyone has a P series gun yet, but I expect that is coming.

Maybe Kahr will come out with a whole pistol in 357SIG.

Thanks, any other comments on the Kahrs in general or the P40 specifically?


New member

Great Signature Line :) That was a truely good book.

Gun content: I feel the need for a MP9.


New member

I purchased a P40 this summer and first time out nothing but problems. It kept jamming and locking up not going into battery and the trigger pin started to slide out. I took it back and they kept telling me that it was a good gun and to let them send it back to Kahr so they did. Recieved it back in two weeks. Kahr polished some things. I took it out to shoot 100 rounds mabey 3 jams. In the manual it says it has to be broken in so I kept the gun to see. The problem I find now is I still don't trust it to carry. So I went and bought a HK P7. It's weird HK has no break in period. I have 3 HKs now and will buy nothing else but. Mabey this is just a isolated case. Check around, I would hate to someone else as disappointed as I am.