Kahr PM 9


New member
What kind of trigger pull and felt recoil does the Kahr PM9 have? I am torn between a Kahr PM 9 or a Bersa Thunder .380 Concealed Carry. The Bersa fits my hand better, but the Kahr is a 9mm. If the Kahr shoots anything like the Kel Tec P 11, I need to know.


I would guess that it is similar to the keltec. Both are very small light weight pistols that fire a stout 9mm round. they both way in at 14 oz.

They are nasty IMHO but there is really no way around that.


New member
I shoot +P+ loads in my PM9. The recoil is definitely snappy, but makes standard 9mm loads feel mild by comparison. I think the polymer frame and locked breech soak up a lot of the recoil. I had a Bersa .380 some years ago and I was surprised by how much felt recoil it had. I believe the Bersa uses a blowback design.



New member
I've owned a three .380s,,,,, a PPK/S, A Sphinx and a CZ 83. The recoil of the PM 9 is not anything noticeably different than any of those.

I figured why carry a .380 when you can have a 9mm in the same size package. My P9 feels better since my pinky finger is not hanging off, like it does with my PM 9, but with a strong two-hand hold, there's negligible difference.

My bride even thinks the Kahrs are better. Her Sphinx bruises the web of her hand, the Kahrs don't. (just the grip fit I guess)


New member
I had a early PM40. The recoil was not that bad. I could shoot it OK weak handed. I sold it because of it not working but have been considering a PM9


New member
Trigger pull on my pm 9 is fairly long but smooth , closely resembeling an older S&W mod 19 pulled thro on da . Recoil with standard hydro shocks actualy feels less to me than the recoil on my walther ppks .380 . With corbon +P its a bit more but no problem at all , about the same as a sig 229 in .40 s&w is how i would attempt to describe the p+ .


New member
What kind of trigger pull and felt recoil does the Kahr PM9 have? I am torn between a Kahr PM 9 or a Bersa Thunder .380 Concealed Carry. The Bersa fits my hand better, but the Kahr is a 9mm. If the Kahr shoots anything like the Kel Tec P 11, I need to know.

PM9 trigger: light, LONG, crisp break, very smooth. LONG reset.
PM9 recoil: snappy but still nothing. veeeery shootable little pistol with or without the extended mag.

Only reason I can't recommend it is because I was a bit disappointed in the overall quality of the pm9. Slide is impeccable, but Kahr has a long ways to go to catch up in the plastic game. Quality of the polymer itself, and how well it is finished. The polymer frame is softer (and thicker) :barf: , and the rails and inside of the frame are poorly finished (on mine). Plastic "hairs" and burrs aplenty.

That said, I haven't sold it yet. So take what you will from my critique, as I don't have enough complaint to dump it regardless of loss- just not impressed enough to recommend it to anyone. TONS of people around here love theirs though, so you'll probably be pleased. And actually, overall it's kind of a marvel, just not up to my standards in that I don't feel confident enough to put thousands upon thousands of rounds through it. "Carry a lot, shoot a little" is a theory I'm not particularly down with, but you might be ok with that as a Kel Tec and Bersa guy... I think all pocket guns are like that to some extent.

One other note, they do in fact "break in" (another process of which I am not a fan) to almost a completely different pistol. By 400 rounds, I was stripping it by hand (initially had to use a mag base to get the pin to budge). And the slide started moving much more smoothly (not due to spring tension loss either, because the smoothness increase primarily was returning to battery where when it was new was not so much if you did it slowly by hand).

Pretty accurate too for a 3" ultra subcompact.


New member
My opinion is the same as jlh26oo's. I had a PM40 and the recoil was snappy, but the PM9 would be alot less. I loved the looks of the gun and IMO the trigger is pretty darned good. The finish on the slide is great but the polymer frame had alot of shavings in it. And it was unreliable so I sold it. But now I have a K40 Covert and so far I love it. It's heavy, but that will soak up the recoil, and the frame is of much higher quality.

IMO go with the steel framed guns until their start using better polymer.


New member
I love my PM9...

and carry it regularly.
Trigger is very smooth, much nicer than a Glock and nothing like a Kel-Tec.

I shoot an occasional mag of +p+ and carry it with that load. It is much more controllable than any of the S&W j-frames I owned (note the use of the past tense).