Kahr Pm 9 Issues


New member
Hey guys, I took my new PM 9 out to shoot yestrday and have a couple of questions. It appears that the magazine when inserted has a gap between the frame and the bottom of the magazine plate and I ended up with a blood blister on my pinky finger from it being pinched by the magazine - Is this normal?

Also, how do you hold your gun as I find that my thumb always wants to ride on the slide release causing the skin on my thumb to get nicked and rubbed raw and the slide not to lock back after the last round.



New member
Hmmm...I'm not going to be much, help, and I apologise for that up front.

I have been carrying and shooting my PM9 for the last three years and have experienced neither of these problems.

For the first problem, I don't know if your grip is different from mine or the gap between the frame and mag floorplate is different. Mine has maybe 1/16", but the front of the floorplate does not extend forward from the base of the mag, so there is no pinch point. My ring finger stays on the grip, my pinkie tucks in under the mag, so there is nothing to pinch.

As far as the slide stop lever goes, mine does not strike my finger, but I'll share a trick I learned shooting j-frames and P3ATs--wrap a Band-Aid around the finger that will take the abuse before firing.

Good luck, Rich


New member
File the slide stop

All you need to do is to break the sharp outside edges and it doesn't take much with a file to do it. It will make a big difference. My 6 round mag does not meet the grip flush either, but it is seated and feeds reliably. My PM9 is great little pistol.


New member
You are referring the the sharp edges on the bottom of the magazine and not the slide stop - correct?


New member
My Kahr PM9 is awesome but I will admit one of my magazines does not sit flush and does hang a little low from the frame but I live with it....:barf:


The Pearce Grip extension will definitely correct that problem with your pinky being injured. For it will give your pinky finger something to solidly grab hold of.

They are for sale in the online shop on Kahr's website. So Kahr has officially endorsed their use on their pistols.

As for your grip, it sounds like your grip is too relaxed. Try to make it more firm, and be conscious to keep the thumb down.

The Kahr Shop also sells the AGrip enhanced grip cover for the Kahr PM9 You may want to consider getting it, and installing it on your pistol. AGrip gives you a much softer and more textured surface to grip onto. So the chance of your thumb slipping off of it should be much less, as this grip is far more tactile.


Here is a photo that shows a PM9 with AGrip installed on it in the left part of the photo. ( Note that he also has the Pearce extension installed too ):
