Kahr P9 more reliable/durable than a PM9?


New member
My theory is that the slightly longer barrel allows just a little more time for all the necessary movement in a slide action to work, increasing the margin for error and increasing reliability. A veteran gunsmith I know warns against all shorter-barrel 1911s for this exact reason. The Commander is the shortest he will endorse, and then only with some reluctance. He may be too conservative, but to me there is definitely something to this concern.

I have owned a PM9 and a K9. The K9 was more reliable. I am not saying the PM9 was total junk, I probably gave up on it too soon, but it was certainly finicky in what it fed, especially hollowpoints. That feed ramp looks really steep to me, although I suppose the top bullet in the magazine comes out toward the top of it anyway.

Given a smaller margin of error, an especially firm grip is needed on a short-barrel to make sure it functions properly. Are you sure you will do this in a defensive situation?

I have thought of getting a PM9 again, because it is very close to being a true pocket pistol . But I keep reminding myself there is a P9 Covert also....

Ace On The Line

New member
Mozin44az's assessment of the PM9's problem covers it pretty well, the mini guns are prone to having problems. You should be fine with the P9. I highly recommend the Kahr Covert. I own a K40 Covert not the P, but it is an excellent CCW weapon IMHO.:)


New member
These were my thoughts too. The slightly longer P9 just helped things be a little more reliable. I actually have both, I was just trying to decide which one to part with. My PM9 has been 100% reliable, but I don't need two and have decided to part with the PM9.




New member
I recently bought a new pm9, after all the research i did, i was half expecting some problems esp. thru the first couple hundred rounds.

So far i have 220 rounds, wwb and various hollowpoints, and thus far i am very impressed.

Now that i have the 200 round break in that kahr calls for, it goes in my pocket when i leave the house.


New member
I've had one w/ the DLC slide for about three years, approximatly 450 rounds thru it, no problems. Put the Agrip on, pocket carry.


New member
My thought is that the PM-9 had problems because of the shape of the chamber hood on top. It was designed into a sort of point which received the brunt of the initial retraction of the slide during recoil/cycling. The reason it was designed like this was to allow more weight in the slide by having more steel in the underside of the slide (the corners are filled in). They had to do this in order to insure enough mass existed in the slide for reliable and timely cycling (the wait for coming up with this solution is what gave us the Coverts in the interim). The problem is that it meant a redesign of the aforementioned chamber hood so that a small area gets slammed during cycling. If the metal of the hood isn't up to the abuse, it will peen. My understanding is that Kahr is redesigning the minis to have a broader barrel hood and better steel.

If you look at the P-9, you will notice the hood is broad where it meets the slide on the front of the ejection port. The energy of cycling is dispersed along this broader area so that no one small area receives the brunt of the initial slam.