Kahr P-series update?


New member
When the new Kahr P9 first came out people were complaining of various issues. Same when the P9 Covert model came out as well. Now that all of these have been out for awhile, what has been everyone's experiences? Anybody had a chance to do any long-term testing or shooting? I've had my early P9 for a number of years now, but I haven't really shot it that much (less than 1000 rounds). I'm curious if all the bugs seem to have been ironed out by now or not. On mine, being an early gun the trigger pin walks out a bit after shooting, but I just push it back in after each range session.


New member

ditto on the pm9. for it's type, there's nothing not to like. for me it's the perfect carry piece.


New member
I had a barrel recall on my PM9, just sent it back this week. One thing I'd suggest to anyone buying a Kahr PM9, buy some of the Kahr factory 7 rd. magazines. They only extend about 1/2 an inch or so below the grip but that's enough to give you a pinky rest, greatly increasing grip stability. I think the PM9 is going to become my summer carry piece. I bought a Mitch Rosen IWB spring loaded clip-on holster and this set-up is essentially invisible, even with shorts and a t-shirt. Some guys are using PM9's with pocket holsters, but they're a touch large for me using pocket carry. I'm doing the Kel-Tec P3AT for the pocket BUG.



New member
nobody has mentioned the accuracy of these...

mine is very accurate because of the great trigger, no doubt.....


New member
I had a P40 Covert which was a real POS a few years ago. It had many problems such as the walking trigger pin, the frame badly warped amongst others. Kahr gave me a MK 40 in trade. It worked well. I swore I would never get another plastic Kahr after the experiance with the P40. I got the nerve to but a PM9 last year after hearing that they had the bugs worked out. It has been outstanding and makes a great pocket gun when I have the need.


New member
my dad just got a PM9 that we I shot saturday for the first time. Put ~75rds through it and had several failures to return to battery but with less than 100rds in the pistols life I'm confident it will loosen up a bit.


New member
Trigger pin on Kahr.

DSK, I'd call for a return authorization. I understand the fix for this is to replace the retaining spring on the pin and a change of slide lock pin/lever.
