Kahr KT Series


New member
Do these guns actually exist? I have never been able to find one. If they are out there what is the general impression as far as reliability? How does the .40 handle? What about the 9mm? It looks like it would handle and balance real well, but I have only seen pictures.



New member
Check out the Kahr Arms website. If you still have questions, call them. The phone is listed on the website.



New member
I think you've got your Kahr guns confused.

Unless I'm missing something, they don't have "KT" guns.

KT is generall used as an abreviation for KelTec guns.

Kahr has TP (Tactical), P (Polymer), MK (Micro-Kahr), E (Low cost steel gun) and CW (low cost polymer) guns.

Do any of those sound familiar?


New member
Unless I'm missing something, they don't have "KT" guns.

There's T-series shown as both T and KT on their website. Nice looking guns with wood grips. But the guns don't have the letter K stamped on them, as far as I can tell.

I'm just a web warrior, though. No first-hand experience with Kahr.


New member
The KT guns are shown on the Kahr website and there are a couple for sale on Guns America. But, I have yet to find one in the flesh so to speak.
