Kahr K9 vs CZP01 size

chris in va

New member
Simply put, can someone compare the two in size? I really don't want to sell my 75bd if at all possible, so thinking about my K9 instead. If the P01 is close i'd rather just go that route.

BTW I know the CZ is thicker. ;)


New member
The p-01 is almost identical in size to the Glock 19,I have both and they
fit in each others holsters quite well.My P-01 runs flawless and is very accurate,love it.It will however have more bulk and be a little heavier,that does not botther me but it may you.


New member
If you are going to carry it consider the 75D PCR. It is also lightweight alloy framed, but is slimmer in the muzzle due to the lack of a light rail which is really not needed on a carry gun.

chris in va

New member
I looked at the PCR but need the extended slide release and may need the rail at some point for night matches.

Now it's a decision between selling my K9 or 75bd to fund it.