Kahr K9 ... Can it be made into an E9?

Jeff Thomas

New member
Did a qualification today, and was reminded of the loooooooong trigger pull of my K9. I like this firearm, find it a great carry gun, but the trigger pull is pretty long. Good from a safety standpoint, but I tend to think it could be just as safe with half the length of pull.

I've heard of their 'Elite' model, and hear it has a shorter trigger pull ... I think. Maybe it was a lighter trigger pull?

Anyway, I hear the Elite model has a better trigger. So, I was thinking ... can a gunsmith modify my K9 with factory parts, inexpensively, so that it has the trigger pull of the 'Elite'? And, if they can, is there any downside to doing this? Cost?

Thanks for any info.

Live and let live. Regards from AZ


Most local gunsmiths in my area won't touch the trigger on a Kahr for fear of messing it up. SM&A do DO trigeer work on them and from what I understand, they do very fine quality work. I never used them myself because I don't like to ship my guns anywhere unless I really have to and I just learned to live with the trigger pull the way that it is.
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Jody Hudson

New member
You might check here and see what you think..


Talk is cheap; Free Speech is NOT.

Jody Hudson

New member
Sorry folks on my end I was not getting my post posted -- I was just hanging there 'till the server timed out on me. My appologies for the multi-post!



New member
IIRC, you're only getting a 1/8" shorter length of pull on an Elite series. However, it will be much smoother, which usually feels lighter also. I think they charge somewhere around $180 for the modifications.

If you know how to detail strip the pistol, smoothing it up safely is not that difficult. My E9 (Economy series) had a much rougher trigger than the K series. I spent most of an afternoon on it, and it's now smoother than my out-of-the-box P9.


Member In Memoriam
Nomenclature: The E9 is a less highly finished economy version of the K9.
The Elite trigger is Kahr's response to some people's complaining of the long (half-inch plus) and heavy (7 to 8 lbs) trigger on the standard gun. Some people are just never satisfied.
Kahr will install the Elite trigger parts in your gun for you...last I knew the cost was about $80.

If they take our guns, I intend to let my hair grow long and acquire the jawbone of an ass.

Jeff Thomas

New member
Thanks for the clarification and other responses. I'll contact Kahr tomorrow, and see what they can do.

Live and let live. Regards from AZ

Jeff Thomas

New member
FYI ... I called Kahr.

If I send the sidearm to them, the cost is $98, plus $10 shipping and handling.

They're also considering selling the parts for this conversion. Cost is probably around $43, but the fellow said they're still deciding on the package price.

Thanks again for the input.

Live and let live. Regards from AZ


New member
Hey guys,

Hold onto your money a minute! I called the "headquarters?" and left a message with the question about the trigger. Someone called back and left a message on the machine that said that the P9 comes standard with the elite trigger already!

Might want to ask around the Kahr office to confirm this before sending it off for work.

Hope this saves you $.

PS: Held one at a shop the other day. It's light as a feather, points like an index finger and fits my hand better than a G36. The trigger felt very smooth, but longer than I like. I didn't have another Kahr to compare it too.

I'm kinda scared now. :eek: I want to get a P9 Kahr, but love my SIG too much to be unfaithful to her. I guess I'm happy that the trigger is too long for my liking.

"But now, he that hath a purse, let him take it, and likewise his scrip; and he that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one." -Jesus Christ (Luke 22:36, see John 3:15-18)
"Reasonable gun law?............There's No such critter!" --EQ


New member

The standard K9 does not come with the elite trigger. Not sure about the P9. Jeff said he has the K9, not the P9.

I had the factory modify my K40 with the elite trigger. It wasn't cheap (about $100), but I think it was worth it.


Jeff Thomas

New member
Jared, you're right ... I have a K9. And, glad to hear you like your new trigger. I'm still thinking about it ...

Regards from AZ