Kahr K40 vs P239 40 ?


New member
OK......... I truly cannot make up my mind.

I am considering a K40 and a P239 40 for IWB, CCW.
(no other pistols please for those that care to give input)

I would rather have an all-metal pistol to absorb more of
the recoil of the 40).

And yes.... I want only a 40 cal.

I have shot both the P239 and a CW40, and both felt good, and both were accurate. (after I got used to the DOA trigger) I have held the metal K version and it felt balanced.

I will end up buying used, and I am seeing deals for $500 ish for either

So here goes:



.94 inch wide, not as bulky
25.5 oz with mag
Constant trigger


Not as much review info
opportunities for a good used pistols seem less than P239

Kahr pistols seem hit and miss with many that love them
and many that hate them (I worry about getting one of "those"
used ones)



DA/SA trigger I am used to (I love my 226 in 40)
If both types were rated A, I would have to give a slight edge
, or an A+ to the SUG line for quality, the Kahr A.
Other than being described as heavy, almost no one
gripes about thier SIG quality.


Fatter (1.2in)
Heavier (29.8 oz)

Thoughts from those who have shot both?

Which would you choose and why?

Somebody HEP me!

Will Beararms

New member
Sig P239----I have owned both. IMHO there is not comparison on the soundness of the design or the workmanship. The P239 is one of the best semi-auto handguns period. It is scary accurate. The first round in the mag can be loaded slingshot style or by letting the slide come home on a loaded magazine. Kahr does not advise using the sling shot method.

I regret selling my 239.


New member
Sig 239.....as you stated, that extar weight may help you manage recoil....so its not much of a Con. Lots more aftermarket support for the Sig too. Lots more 239s out there than K40s = more used mags and accessories for cheap.


New member
I've not owned those particular models, but I've owned 3 Kahrs and 3 SIGs. When describing the metal Kahrs I've owned I've used the phrase "near-SIG quality". I think that pretty well says it. I think both manufacturers make fine handguns, and most of the complaints I've heard (or read) about Kahr were the polymer frame (my EDC is a PM9..love it!). Nonetheless, SIG has been the "gold standard" for out of the box quality and accuracy.
I am a civilian CCW only carry, so size is of the utmost to me. I'd love to own a P239, but have never been able to justify it to myself, as I know I'd never carry it. I have a P226 as my range/HD gun (as well as a P245), but I will always carry the PM9. Not because it's better, just because it's smaller.

I am not suggesting/recommending the little Kahrs, just saying what I carry and why.

Of the two, I'd love to have the SIG P239. Heirloom quality.


New member
I have both and the Kahr will go at the first $400 dollar offer that I have. I also have the CW45 it too is a peace of trash.
I used Sig and there is a lot of difference between them, I very seldom have a Sig in the shop for resale, I will not take any more Kahr's into the shop.
New or consignment:barf:


New member
Wow, that is one of the first outright complaints I have seen about a Kahr. What exactly is wrong with the 2 you have?


New member
Don't own a Kahr, but have tried them at the club, lots of folks have'm. Very good trigger, but DAO only. Nice lightweight carry.

The Sig P239 makes it into my carry rotation a lot.

The biggest difference between them is shooting durability. The Kahr just doesn't strike me as a durable (ie range) gun.

The Sig I can shoot all day, torture it all I want, its built like an Abrams tank....likely it will outlive me.

There is something comforting about that.


New member

I have the K40 and the P40 I don't own a sig yet. For CC kahr K40 hands down. The kahr K40 is heavy enough. I think the Sigs are a better choice for duty weapon the kahrs for CC. If you can afford the extra $$$ check out the K40 Elite


New member
I have seven of them, traded in from Law Enforcement Officers because the department issued ammo will not fire in them. Any handgun that has a required break in is just using the public to do their quality control for them.
"Rifles are different".

I called Kahr and the guy told me that
"their springs never wear out!"

"Now I have a masters in engineering I would love to find something mechanical that has no stress or wear!"

I took several out to shoot. One would not function at all, the other had very light strikes from the striker. It would not fire three out of four times. The third a CW45 required a new spring, Lucky I had one the right size left over that would fit the striker. Got it from "Granger"

No love for them here!

Hunter Customs

New member
I have a K40, one of the all steel original ones when they first came out.
The gun seems to be well made and I've never had a functioning issue with it.
The guns accurate and I can shoot it well. The long light trigger pull is nice and very easy to master.
It's not a true double action as it does not have second strike capabilities. However I never put any stock in second strike capabilty as that something I dont use.
I do carry it at times when I don't carry my custom commander, it carries and hides well.

I've never owned a Sig so I can't give any reference on it.

Best Regards
Bob Hunter


New member
K-series Kahrs usually aren't the ones giving the problems. Problems seem to be from the polymer models, mostly. Sure, every now and again one of the K-series guns takes a dump, but so does everybody elses (including Sig). I have a 239 in 9mm and both a K9 and K40. My K40 I bought used and factory refurbished. Heavier than the 239 but by no means a burden to carry. Honestly, having both a 239 and a K40, I think I'd go with the K40. Either, I think, will serve well. I'd choose the Kahr b/c it fits me just a little bit better.

Get a Kahr factory refurbished gun if you can. You'll get a warranty with it which might save you a bunch if it needs to go back for something.

Uncle Malice

New member
I had the Kahr MK9 (PM9 sized version with stainless frame). Well made gun - but not for me. I prefer my Walther PPS for a small gun like that.

I would go for the P239 in a heartbeat. Sure, it has fairly low capacity for it's size, but it's a spectacular firearm. The Sig is also made to be shot a lot. If you want to spend a lot of range time with it, I think the sig wins here, too.


New member
Go with the Kahr K40. Because it will fit your hand better and it doesn't take as long to break in. There are more reasons, Just trust me and get it.

chris in va

New member
That's a tough one, as I have neither (but have a K9).

With Kahr, it seems the larger the caliber the more issues are reported. Probably doesn't mean anything in the real world, but still gives me pause.

The *only* thing I've had issue with my K9 is the rear sight is loose. The smith at the gun shop where I bought it tried to fix it, but worked loose again. Not a target pistol so I'm not in a hurry to send it back to Kahr.


New member
I looked at the Kahr CW 40 and 9. At first glance, it seemed like a nice pistol. Then I played with it, noticed the DAO trigger, no hammer, no external safety, no decocker, etc. I own two Sigs and if I had to choose between Sig and Kahr, it would be Sig every time. I like the features that I mentioned above in a carry pistol, DA/SA, hammer, external safety, and decocker. The only carry pistol that I own that doesn't have all of that is my Colt Commander - I will make an exception for it though.

In the Kahr's defense, I will say that the DAO trigger was very smooth and comfortable and it is a very thin pistol, easily concealed.