Kahr K357 ?

Eric Larsen

New member
Just go thinking...a Kahr K40 with a Bar-Sto (or other quality) .357 Sig barrel. What is your take on this one?
It sounds like alot of gun to me...I will let you know if I
have any luck in my hypothetical pursuit.
Shoot well


New member
Not a bad idea at all, Eric.
It would make for a tangy twist to the already excellent K40.

Interchangeable barrel/caliber abilities might just prompt me to make that step from the K9 to the K40.

Yes, be sure to let us know what you find.


New member
I shot an A75 Astra that was converted to .357 SIG once. It was quite a handful as compared to my A75 in .40 S&W. I would expect a converted Kahr to have more "snap" to the recoil and more muzzle flip.


New member
What is the effect of Kahr's barrel length on the performance of the .357 Sig? Do high power cartridges suffer much in short barrels?

Eric Larsen

New member
I will call Bar-Sto on monday. It sounds like a pretty good little defensive carry. The barrel length shouldnt have any negative effect on the round or performance. The 357 Sig guns I have shot have all had barrels less than 4" and the Kahr is 3 1/2"....the 40 velocities are still really good.
Shoot well


New member
Kahr uses an offset feed ramp so there could be problems with bullet setback, or jams because of the case shoulder making contact with the feed ramp before the nose of the bullet does. Let us know what Bar-stow says.