Kahr HP Reliability?


New member
I'm known more as a Glock guy but have recently ventured into Kahr territory, mainly because Glock does not make a P380 or PM9 size pistol.

My question is, have you more experienced Kahr owners/shooters of these two guns (PM9 & P380) discovered any type of ammunition, hollow points especially, that don't seem to function reliably. I've tried four or five for the .380 with no problems, but I think Gold Dot Winchester Silvertips are all I've tried in the PM9. No problems there either.

I'm not talking about the care one has to take chambering the first round with a Kahr; I'm asking about any hang-ups you might experience with certain ammo just in the course of shooting, problems that you are sure have nothing to do with limp wristing.

I appreciate any feedback.



New member
The only HP ammo problems I've encountered with any of the seven Kahrs I've owned is with MagTech SCHP rounds. The bulbous solid copper bullet would not seat properly in the chamber and once in the chamber were all but impossible to extract unfired. This occured in both Kahr and HK pistols.


New member
no problems with any ammo thru my PM9, CW9 or CW45. Like me, sad to say, they'll eat almost anything.


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I've had no problems with Gold dots 124gr HP or Golden sabers in My PM9 Keep up the good work I like your videos


New member
I would suggest the walther pps

Given my very poor experience with a SS kahr, sent back to the factory twice because it would jam on every round of white box ammo, and jam so tight it took a gorilla to fix. Kahr said it worked fine.
anyway, since you like glock type, the pps is the single stack glock never made, functions similar (except mag release) and is available in 9 or 40.


New member
I have over 1500 rounds combined through my CW9 and PM45, and have never had a problem with any ammo. Mostly I shoot WWB and Federal ball, and HST's, GD's, and GS's, and occasionally GA Arms HP's.


New member
I never had any problems with my PM9, even though it was a pre-recall model. I did send in my barrel for the recall and they mirrored the ramp and removed a lip that used to be on the original design. I also sent them my recoil assembly (for its recall) and got the new one. I had no problem with either before or since. I also have escaped the infamous "peening" fears and don't anticipate having a problem in the future upon close inspection of the operation of my gun (clearances seem good).

The only thing I do notice on my PM9 is the nose-diving of the top round after the mag is inserted. Pretty much all Kahrs do this. It has not affected reliability so long as I slam shut the first round instead of easing the slide forward (to preserve the first round of carry ammo from set-back from repeated cycling between practice sessions) as I can do on my Glocks and such.

I don't think HP's are as much of a concern for Kahrs as they might be for other types of guns, due to the steep ramp design which has the leading edge far down and at an "uncatchy" angle. But one of the inherent possible flaws of their design (coupled with the nose-diving) is that rounds can pause before getting fully seated. That's one of the reasons the recoil spring has to be up to snuff. I had a lot of fun with this with my MK40 elite 98 (and a whole bunch of other problems...what an ordeal that was -- although it was HIGHLY educational). I didn't freak out and worked out all the problems over time and it is awesome now. But these hang-ups would occasionally cause the slide to not go fully into battery (luckily, it won't fire out of battery) until I palm slammed it home. Wolff recoil springs (and rods) fixed this problem once and for all. I do wonder if the rubber tip of the Hornady Critical Defense might be a problem with the rubber tip having too much drag on the steep ramp...I don't know. I do know that I don't have any concerns thus far with HP's.


New member
I have a Kahr CW9 that Ive had for around 6 months. In that time I have had over 600 rounds through it. No problems what so ever, the gun is excellent.

By the way I really like your youtube videos:).


New member
One more thing...You might consider trying the Xtra power mag springs from Wolff if they still offer them. I am considering it so as to try to eliminate the nose diving of the top round. I may even consider trying to adjust the geometry of the mag lips so the top round is always wanting to point upwards once the feeder on the underside of the slide (I am having a senior moment and can't remember what it's called) is out of the way. But I'm too busy to mess with anything right now. Plus, as you have said, it works as is as long as you allow the slide to fly forward fast to overcome any hang ups.


New member
its amazing that a little polymer gun can cost so much and require you to tinker and buy special springs for it to work correctly....just my thoughts


New member
I have had a PM9 for about four years. I have put five or six different types of JHP ammo through it with no issues whatsoever.

I have had a P45 for almost two years. Likewise, it eats any type of JHP ammo.

I look forward to buying a PM45 when I find one for the right price.
I'm not talking about the care one has to take chambering the first round with a Kahr
I assume you mean riding the slide forward, which presents itself on the first round but could also be experienced in other situations such as TRB following a malfunction.
I carry only Hornady Critical defense and it is the only round I have put a lot of through my gun, but I have put a box or two of some others through it. Never had any trouble.


New member
13 people on the thread say they've had no problems, while only one claimed any issue saying his jammed up tight, but the factory said it worked fine :confused: That's kind of weird that the factory would deny a tightly jammed gun...

Despite overwhelming feedback that the gun works very, very well and the original poster saying he's tried 4-5 different hollow points and still hasn't found anything it wouldn't feed, we still get a couple of posts like this:

"its amazing that a little polymer gun can cost so much and require you to tinker and buy special springs for it to work correctly....just my thoughts"

The poster said it works fine. He's just fiddling with it, because that's what some gun guys do.

"I thought about buying one but it seems hit and miss on these..."

Unless you've owned one, your input isn't all that valuable now is it?

My PM9 hasn't had a single bobble since I've owned it. It has been as reliable as my Glocks. Take a look at the internals of a new Kahr P series and you can see the quality and smoothness.


New member
Have a P40 and a P380. Both work just fine, as did the P9 that my wife used to have. They are accurate, well made in America, and have a pretty decent trigger.



New member
"I thought about buying one but it seems hit and miss on these..."

Unless you've owned one, your input isn't all that valuable now is it?

Necro Post but since you HAD to quote me - I DID buy one and it is an EXCELLENT pistol - you can search my name espousing the virtues of the Kahr PM9 so I guess you are incorrect or at least dated on your assumption...;)