Kahr CW45 Range report!

Any .45

New member
Well I had a few days of lightning so the range was closed. But finally got out on the range today, in 105 degree heat. Beautiful day:barf:, well first off thanks to everyone that gave me advice and help on this little beauty. Put 399 rounds through her today. Yeah I lost one to the safe line idiot, that crossed the red line during a safe line, so I threw one at him and missed but he woke up. People just screaming at him and the guy just kept playing with his gun. Anyway, I put 200 rounds through her with the factory mag and 199 with a combo of the factory mag and a wilson combat mag that I modified to use with the Kahr and not a single failure, with either mag. Now I did have a problem with the Kahr factory mag, for some reason after the first 50-60 rounds the mag would not lock the slide back on empty. The wilson did, but the kahr mag didn't. Anyone experience this before?

So now as far as recoil this gun is pretty nice at handling the recoil. It didn't feel much different than a G26 my roommate had out there today, it actually to me felt like less recoil. I can grip the full grip if the Kahr much better than the small grip with grip extension, I have big hands so I like the full grip of the CW45. The one thing with this grip is that the stippling is sharp as a knife my hads were tore up after 200 rounds. The gun shot just like everyone described POA at 7 yards, I shot 3-4 inch groups with her. All types of ammo was used from +p SD ammo to cheap wolf and reloads and whatever else was laying around in my closet. She is a shooter just not an all day shooter. To anyone that is considering a small .45 for CC, this is one super nice piece.

Any .45

New member
Chris I know you have a K9, if your looking for a small .45, after shooting the cw45 which you know is the entry model I think any one of there .45's would be great.


New member
A friend of mine has one od these with the ploymer frame. I held it last night and my pinky has no place to go, so I guess I won't be getting one, but it was nice and light, seemed to point naturally. I wonder, with a pinky extension magazine, would I feel different? How sharp is the recoil? I may have to lure him out to a range soon and try it out.


New member
Grip Checkering

I noticed this as well after breaking in my PM9... really cuts into your hands. I solved this with a piece of trusty bicycle tire overtop. Now I have a ultra thin rubber grip on the entire grip surface of my pistol :D


New member
The one thing with this grip is that the stippling is sharp as a knife my hads were tore up after 200 rounds.

The Hogue Handalll Jr. does a nice job of improving the grip.


Any .45

New member
A friend of mine has one od these with the ploymer frame. I held it last night and my pinky has no place to go, so I guess I won't be getting one, but it was nice and light, seemed to point naturally. I wonder, with a pinky extension magazine, would I feel different? How sharp is the recoil? I may have to lure him out to a range soon and try it out.

He must have a PM series, I have very big hands wear a XXL to 3xl size glove, and this car fits me pretty damn nice for a gun this small. The recoil isn't bad on mine even for a .45 its a smooth rider. My buddy took his G26 out and he said that he felt about the same amount of recoil with the Kahr as he did with the G26, due to its longer grip and thinner frame he gets a better grip on the gun. I did get to shoot the G26 and had one before to me it felt about the same but the Kahr's recoil was easier to re-acquire the sights for follow up shots.

Here are some pics of the CW45 in my hand and one by itself.




New member
I've had a couple of issues with the slide not locking back with Kahr factory mags after sending quite a few rounds out the barrel. The best I can tell is that the little piece of metal on the magazine follower that presses against the slide release when the mag is empty isn't making good contact. I clean the pistol/magazines and the problem disappears until I fire another hundred or so rounds. I haven't looked at it really closely, but I wonder carbon build up in the stock mags could be the problem.


New member
All OEM Kahr springs are made by Wolff. So, yes, Wolff does make spring for Kahr mags. ;) Wolff has +5% springs for 9mm and .40 on their website. I'd just give them a call to ask about .45 springs.

As for the sharpness of the checkering on the poly Kahrs, many swear by the wrap-around Agrips. The Agrips add less bulk than the HAndall and they are not as tacky (feeling, not looking) so they won't grab concealing garments like rubber grips can. They are available on Kahr's website for $26.