kahr Bin Laden shooting game

DubbL Tap

New member
Cool Game!

4950 on the first go round. That is a fun game. Do you know of any more gun games like that? It reminds me of this arcade game called Lethal Enforcer. Do you (or anyone else) know of any more gun games like that?

Ala Dan

Member in memoriam
6000 first time around. Hey, those Kahr's are O.K.:D

Best Wishes,
Ala Dan, N.R.A. Life Member


New member
8400 first time around, no hossies tapped.

Wayyyyy too much time playing computers games....

"Drop your hotdog" - lol... sounds kinda rude, actually...


New member
"A poor rip-off of the ultimate Bin Laden vs. US Gun Owner game ever: "

Oh, I dunno. Double-taps are fast as lightening, realistic tactical reloads, *excellent* hostage/headshot capability. Oh yeah, and it's downloadable, unlike the long promised D/Lable version of the liquor store, which has yet to be seen. Great game! :)

PS: Great beat to the music, & you can shoot the mustard & ketchup bottles, as well as the soda cans while yer waiting for another popup :D

DubbL Tap

New member
, & you can shoot the mustard & ketchup bottles, as well as the soda cans while yer waiting for another popup

I shot a hostage like that. Just make sure that the hostage is standing and you've just hit O. Bin Dover before you start to take that stuff out.


New member
Cool game.

I got a score of 22,300

I got 92 bin ladens and 210 hostages.

Oh maybe that was -22,300

It was a lot faster this way.


DubbL Tap

New member
The highest I've gotten since I started keeping track is 7600 with no Hostages hit. As I play I'm imagining that I'm an NYPD S.W.A.T. sharpshooter. I hate it when the hostages pop up in front of Bin Dover when you're about to plug him. I've gotten pretty good at shooting right past the hostages ears and hitting Osama in the head. I love those shots. Especially the ones in the far right corner. If I really focus I can do alot better. I don't think I've been able to hit more than 85 Osamas at a time. Its a cool game though. I like it way better than the liquor store one too.

DubbL Tap

New member
LOL:) Thats my story and I'm sticking to it!

They're actually more terrorists posing as hostages.:) You can tell because sometimes they jump in the way to protect him.


New member
I checked out the other game, Gabe. That was awesome! 46000 the first time.

I especially love the fact that I can take sips between shots. You can really work up a sweat doing this. :D
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