Kahr 40 Elite


New member
Just made a purchase of one of these at my local dealer Friday. I went to the range and fired 50 rds. of 180gr. FMJ Winchester ammo. My observations are as follows. I am not particularly recoil sensative but this gun has signifigant recoil and muzzle rise. Nice trigger but has a long reset thus accurate double taps are difficult/slow. No malfunctions of any kind.


New member
Thanks for the info. I have a Kahr 40 with the standard trigger, which is smooth, but long, and a little heavier than I like. I estimate it is around 7-8 lbs. Kahr will install the Elite trigger for $88. Does anyone have an informed opinion as to whether it would be best to have Kahr install the Elite trigger or have a gunsmith perform a trigger job on the pistol?
The trigger is smooth enough already, but I want it slightly lighter, perhaps 5 pounds. I wouldn't mind having a slightly shorter pull either, although this is secondary to the weight issue. I believe the Elite has the shorter pull. I would love to hear especially from people who have shot the Kahr with the Elite trigger and can make the comparison.
Thanks for any information you can offer.
Does anyone know how heavy the Elite trigger pull is?


New member
i have a K40. my observations are that if you install a 22 or 23 lb. recoil spring from Wolff springs and install a Harrt's recoil reducing guide rod your gun will smooth out quite a bit. also shooting 180 grain ammo is giving more kick than you need. 180 is NOT the best choice for defensive ammo and 165 grain FMJ is avaiable from PMC and several other companies. I just bought 1000 rounds of 165 PMC thru UPS from Bulk Ammo for $202.00. good stuff. to the guy wanting a light trigger. i don't recommend it but Wolff's offers a lighter striker spring 5 lbs. for the Kahr series. i don' see what a gunsmith could do to a trigger like ours except put in a new spring. it is alredy smooth. beware that trigger tension is your only saftey. to the fellow that stated double taps were slow in a couple of hundred rounds you will learn to "stage" the trigger. shooting a Kahr is more like shooting a revolver than a semiauto.

Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what is for lunch.
Liberty is a well armed lamb contesting the outcome of the vote.
Let he that hath no sword sell his garment and buy one.--And they said. Lord here are two swords. And he said unto them. That is not enough. Luke 22-36,38
They all hold swords, being expert in war: every man hath his sword upon his thigh because of fear in the night. Song of Solomon 3-8

[This message has been edited by riddleofsteel (edited February 13, 2000).]


New member
You are right about the 180gr. ammo being higher recoil the winchester 180 fmj is far greater than the fiocchi 170 fmj that i shoth yesterday.