Kahr 380


New member
I guess I'll probably be considered somewhat harsh on the Kahr. Before I give you my opinion, i need to state that I like .380's and own a Seecamp and a Sig 232 both in .380. That said ....

My opinion is the Kahr is nothing new, It's plastic, and it's twice the price of it's two most direct competitors, the Kel-tec and the new Ruger.



New member
Point counterpoint. I can buy a basic Rock Island 1911 for < $400 yet the loaded Kimbers and other custom jobs also sell. Both throw out a .45 caliber slug from a JMB design.

Price is just one factor in making the decision...


New member
I have owned one kahr in the past that left me a bad taste for the pistols, (it was a jammomatic.) Had my past experience been positive I would be pretty jazzed about this new offering. Kahr are very nice pistols, however mine was utterly unreliable.


New member
Yes, price is just one point, but it is a very strong consideration in today's market. What if anything distinguishes the Kahr above it's two very close rivals?

I can see only one factor in reading the specs and looking at the comparison photos. The Kahr has a JMB rotating breech while the other two direct competitors are fixed. Some would consider that an additional feature, but it adds complexity and parts to fail. I wonder why Kel-tecs, S&W PPKs, Sig 232s and even the Seecamps are all blow back breech and the Kahr isn't? So, is it worth twice as much simply because there are a few who will pay any price to have the latest greatest oddball?


New member
I have owned one kahr in the past that left me a bad taste for the pistols, (it was a jammomatic.) Had my past experience been positive I would be pretty jazzed about this new offering. Kahr are very nice pistols, however mine was utterly unreliable.

I feel the same way, after dealing with Kahr and my PM9 I don't think I could give them another try.


New member
Hey guys, check out the new Kahr 380. I think it's gonna be hard for Kahr to sell these things with the new Ruger LCP coming out since the Kahr is almost double the price. So what do you guys think?

I would check one out. I used to own a Kahr CW9 that ran flawlessly. I like Kahr products and would probably buy one. I haven't seen an LCP in person yet, so I don't know what the quality is like, but coming from Ruger it's probably pretty decent. I also used to own a Kel Tec P3AT that was not very good quality wise.


New member
Question for Kahr owners

Had this demonstrated at a gun shop a little while back, during a discussion over women's handguns.

Store owner told me he didn't generally recommend Kahrs for women, because they have very hard slides to cycle. He then let me handle a 9mm and a .40. They were a bit firm for my tastes, but workable. A woman who was looking for a pistol then tried both, and she agreed with the store owner.

Have the Kahr owners out there noticed any problems with women trying to operate their Kahrs?

David the Gnome

New member
MLeake said:
Have the Kahr owners out there noticed any problems with women trying to operate their Kahrs?
My girlfriend was unable to rack the slide on my Kahr. She can't rack the slide on most of my handguns though. The Kahr is difficult to pull back; anyone who's tried to field strip a new one can tell you that.


New member
In an up market, there is room for this product. The Kahr faithful, and those with a couple extra bucks and a good attitude toward Kahr will give it a try. Add disaffected Kel-Tec owners who, unwilling to take any chances, could leapfrog Ruger and spend extra on the P380.

This is not an up market. Not yet, any way.
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New member
My girlfriend wrangles horses

so I can't use her as a basis for typical women... She shot a .44mag on her second trip to the range, without difficulty, and she has no trouble operating any of my semis.

However, I realize her grip is atypical.


I think just what you stated in your original post.

It is going to be hard for Kahr to move these guns at that price. There is not a shortage of small .380 pistols and this does not really fill the same niche the LCP does (small, cheap, reliable).

I do think they will sell okay though. Mainly to people that want a stainless slide and small polymer frame but cannot stand Kel-Tec and are willing to pay a little extra for quality.

Unless Ruger puts out a stainless slide version of the LCP. Then they are screwed. :)


New member
The Kel-tec 3AT is a locked breech system. I would assume, looking at the parts diagram that the Ruger is as well. The blowback 380's that I am familiar with are significantly larger as they require a heavier slide to keep the breech closed until pressure has dropped to safe levels. With that said I own some Kahr's and some Kel-tecs and I don't think I would pay the extra money

It is pricey, but the Kahr MSRPs are usually $250 - $300 higher than what I see them retailing for.

I've had a good experience with my Kahr....if it was reasonably priced, I might see picking one of these up for my father (who only pocket-carries, and currently has a .22). Especially once I get my "stimulus" from Uncle this spring. ;)


New member
I am a Kahr fan; posted so many praises of the MK9 lately I was getting the nickname Kahraroo.
The Kahr P380 is more expensive then the Sig P232 .380. That's just wrong!!!. (Did I mention that I'm first a Sig fan??)
Sorry Kahr, if I feel the need to buy a .380, I'm going to have to try the Ruger...
Now if you want to build me an MK380, we'll talk...
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New member
I think there is at least some potential for this pistol, depending on what the actual street price is. Also remember Kahr has come out with more basic versions of their pricey guns that almost seem like decent deals.

I have sometimes thought a .380 based on the PM9 would work. It fits in a front pocket, and the .380 does not have the recoil and quick slide action that makes designing a pocket 9mm such a challenge, and which, I felt , made my PM9 finicky about the ammo it would feed. I note that Kahr has added to the challenge by shortening the barrel to 2.5 inches. I would have left it at 3 inches like the PM9, making a pistol that size run would be much easier.

I could handle my P3AT and so am not worried about the Ruger LCP's recoil, but the Kahr .380 would still be more comfortable and easier to shoot. And the greater weight and grip size might cut the risk of limp-wristing.

My Kel-tecs were all garbage and I wouldn't consider them competition for the Kahr. The Ruger LCP, if it works, I'm betting once the dust settles it will be $150 less than the Kahr and will likely be the winner here. The LCP is the one I'm waiting on.

Also lately, it seems, Kahr's reputation for quality, while not as poor as Kel-tec's, has been taking some hits. As someone commented here awhile ago: "Taurus quality at SIG prices." I thought mine were a bit finer than that, but still not great considering their price.