Bart Noir

New member
Well ya hooked me!

I had visions of gun parts flying in separate trajectories and a shooter yelling AW **** as the blood starts to drip.

Not that Ka-BOOM!

Bart Noir

chris in va

New member
I loves me some Tannerite. Always a crowdpleaser at the range. Wish I could just run down and pick up some AN from the farm store myself, but oh well.


New member

Well, it ain't Tannerite, but it was the only "boom" photo I had at the moment that was one of mine. I need to get some more footage... Which means more range time... which means lots more 'booms'... Yup. It's time :D

Wild Horse

New member
I go to the big machine gun shoots in Silver Springs, NV. They have a June and October shoot. It's a Sat-Sun shoot.

The shooting starts at about 1400hrs, then about dusk we take an hour or so Dinner break and the range crew sets up the Tannerite and other colorful targets. The explosive targets are concealed so it's "luck of the draw".

The Gatling Gun guys seem to have the best luck. This is the only situation I have ever seen "Spray and Pray" really work.

The Night shoots are the most fun for me because everyone switches to APIT or at least tracer.

In Nevada we are not allowed consumer fireworks or the use of APIT or any flame producing devices unless on an approved range. These two shoots are kind of our Annual blowouts. (EXTREME fire hazard is the reason for the restrictions)