K9 vs MK9


New member
Anyone have any observations on recoil differences between the Kahr K9 vs the MK9?

Also, in the accuracy department, how does the MK9 compare to the K9?

Other than obvious size differences, any other big differences between the two worth noting?


New member
a guy I know has both, accuracy between his two is really close, as are the chronograph readings believe it or not. I have a p9 and my wife has a k9, I like the k9 much better, I think I'm going to sell the p9 and buy either a mk9 or mk40...tom


New member
One (MK9) is smaller than the other. That's about it!! They use the same mags and operating system!! I haven't fired the K9 recently due to my friend selling his, but as I remember it, they were pretty much the same in the accuracy department, compairing my memory to my current MK9!! I hope that makes sense!! :D


New member
I have a MK9 for the purpose of concealment. It does what it needs to do. If concealment was not an issue, I probably would go with the K9. A K9 is easier to control, by virtue of the full grip.

But , then again, if I could carry a larger framed pistol without having to be concerned with concealment, then I would also use a larger caliber, ie. 40 or 45.


New member
I have a K40, K9, and MK9. The K9 has very little perceived recoil. The MK9 has more recoil, but nothing objectionable to me, even with 115 gr +p+. The MK9 is quite accurate, though it is a bit harder to shoot accurately, due to the shorter sight radius. The MK9 can fit in the pocket of my jeans in a pocket holster. The K9 cannot and must be carried in a belt holster. If I'm carrying a belt holster, then I need a cover garment. If I'm wearing a cover garment, then it is just about as easy for me to carry my Kimber Compact as it is my K9.



New member
I have owned an MK9, K40, MK40, P9, and P40... (sorry, no K9).

My experiences with all the steel Kahrs have been excellent. The recoil of the MK9 is quite mild, so much so that my 11 year old son considers my wife's MK9 his favorite pistol to shoot, now that I sold the KelTec P32 he used to favor.

The P9 (which you didn't ask about) has more felt recoil than the MK9, even with the MK's shorter grip.

My personal conclusion is this... If you're going to try and pocket or ankle carry this weapon, then MK9 is the way to go. If you're only going to CC it IWB or belt carry, then by all means, get the K9 for the longer and better grip!


New member
I have both the K9 and the MK9 in 9mm in Elite 98 format. Neither recoils enough to notice and both are tack drivers. My MK will put them all in the same hole inside 7 yards and in a small cluster of overlapping holes inside 15 yards. Rapid fire on steel knockdown targets is easily accomplished with no time wasted in recoil between each shot. Get whichever you like best, or get them both. Both are awesome.


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I'll just need to get down to the range and fire both in the same session to decide. I'd like to use it for CCW and the MK9 would definitely be superior in that regard. It also sounds like there isn't much difference in accuracy or recoil between the two and if so, the MK9 is the way to go.
Thanks all! :D
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New member
I'd like to use it for CCW and the MK9 would definitely be superior in that regard. It also sounds like there isn't much difference in accuracy or recoil between the two and if so, the MK9 is the way to go.
Actually, I don't think I'd put it that way. First, the MK9 is really only superior for CCW if you intend to pocket carry. If you intend to use a belt holster, then the MK9 is somewhat pointless since you conceal a holstered K9 almost as easily as you can conceal a holstered MK9. In terms of accuracy, the MK9 is surprisingly accurate, but the K9 is certainly easier to shoot accurately. The longer sight radius is a significant help.

I'd make the decision based on how you intend to carry the gun. For pocket carry, the MK9 is clearly superior. For belt carry, the K9 is clearly superior.


New member
MK9 more flexible

I'll go try both and then decide depending on the recoil, accuracy and handling differences. If the differences aren't significant, I'll go with the MK9 since it has more options of carry and doesn't lock me out of an option because of it's size. It allows pocket carry, IWB carry, etc. If the differences are significant to me, I'll go with the K9 and just live with IWB carry.



New member
Except for pocket carry, I'd stick with the K9. Easier to shoot, more grip and the extra round. Besides, it's the size of a Walther PP. You can't get a 9mm much smaller than that and control it in a gunfight. You can with the MK but I don't consider the reduction in size THAT great, I'd stick with the K9.


New member
I've got a K9. I just can't get a really firm grip on the smaller MK9 and to me that far outweighs the small increase in concealability that the MK9 offers.