K-Sports Parkerized SKS Paratrooper


New member
Hi, I recently acquired an SKS. The stock that came with it is synthetic green made by "K-sports". It is a Norinco rifle, and the majority of the gun is parkerized.Anyone have any background info on this gun? Thanks.


New member
Were did you acquire your parkerized K-sports SKS? I bought the 20" parkerized K-sport SKS model from a gun store in Kali about 5-years ago for $150. As for information try the website SlackO gave you. I belong to that site also, but I never did ask them for any info on this model. Good luck, Later.

P.S. Keep us posted if you get any info.

"They may kill me, but there will always be more like me". -EDA

They told me,"throw down your guns, return to the earth...HAH! time enough for the earth in the grave". -EDA

"Giving up is not in my vocabulary". -EDA

"Do not fear the governments, that fears you". -EDA


New member
A guy at the SKS discussion board pointed me to this link.

Here's the only pic I have of my SKS.
