"K-Mart & the 4th of July"


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You’ll not be hearing ‘blue light specials’ for boxed 9mm cartridges anymore at Kmart. They’ve taken the unprecedented step of discontinuing sales of handgun ammunition. Handgun ammunition sales at the chain’s more than 2,000 stores will cease when the stores’ current stock runs out.

Kmart stores have not sold handguns since the 1970s, but still sell rifles and shotguns. The Michigan-based company has been under pressure from gun-control advocates to stop selling firearms, but seemed to be resistant to pressure. In November 1999, talk show host Rosie O’Donnell was fired as the company’s celebrity spokeswoman because of her strong support of gun control. Now, in a reversal of a formerly courageous stance, Kmart has joined the forces of statism and victim disarmament.

Company officials made the announcement following meetings that included company executives, socialist filmmaker Michael Moore and survivors of the 1999 Columbine High School shooting.

Company spokeswoman Julie Fracker claimed the meeting wasn’t a factor; the sale of firearms and ammunition had been under review by the company’s new executive team for some time.

"Obviously we consider ourselves a socially conscious business, but this was a business decision made in the best interests of the company," Fracker whined.

Let’s prove her wrong. Let’s show her Kmart has made a horrible business decision in the absolute worst interests of the company. Let’s do an S&W on Kmart.

Let their remaining ammunition stocks molder on the shelves until they turn green with verdigris. If they give it away, don’t let it sully your weapon.

Don’t even consider purchasing a firearm at Kmart. If you need or want a new rifle or shotgun, patronize your local gun shop or deal with another national chain that might be less ‘socially conscious’ but has more respect for American values. And beyond firearms and related supplies, surely you can get that new dress or pair of blue jeans somewhere else as well.

The Second Amendment Sisters have an excellent idea too. In addition to a Kmart boycott, rub their noses in the mess they’ve made by printing out handy little cards showing what you ‘might have spent’ at Kmart but spent at another chain instead. You can download printable cards from the SAS web site.

Kmart customer service has an email address you can write. Be forewarned that email is usually ignored; it’s mostly useless as a complaint vehicle in a mass campaign. Letters, phone calls and faxes are much more effective. When you call or write be polite, but firm. Angry missives will just marginalize your voice.

You can write national Kmart officials at the addresses below, but don’t forget to let your local Kmart manager know just how concerned you are about this corporate cowardice, as well.

Lori V. Gagnon

Kmart Corporation
Senior Director of Customer Care
P.O. Box 417
Lewis Center, OH 43035

Frank O. Jones
Kmart Corporation
DVP Consumer Insights

P.O. Box 417
Lewis Center, Ohio 43035

Voting is increasingly useless as social protest, but in this particular case you can cast a vote that makes a difference. Vote with your wallet.

As we approach our Nation’s birthday, times have never seemed darker for liberty. We are beset by statist politicians who have no respect for the traditions of our country and the formerly great corporations of our nation are increasingly multinational and disconnected from the lives and concerns of ordinary Americans. Nowhere is this more evident than in the attitudes of government and corporate officials towards the God-given right to bear arms, as laid out in the 2nd Amendment of the Bill of Rights.

Despite the whining cries of ‘It’s for the children’ and ‘We consider ourselves a socially conscious business’ don’t be taken in and don’t be lulled into complacency. Fight back in whatever way you can. In this case, you have an opportunity to strike directly at the balance sheet of a uncaring corporation. Don’t let the opportunity slip by.

It’s a tradition on the 4th to gather with friends and family and celebrate with fireworks and picnics. This 4th, before you bite into that hot dog and sip that cold drink, give some thought to what we’ve lost over the years and what little remains of our freedom.

Time is short and our enemies are legion. Happy 4th of July.

July 4, 2001

Jeff Elkins [send him mail] is a freelance consultant and writer living in North Central Florida. His personal website is located at www.elkins.org.

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