K frame sideplate question


New member
I have a model 15-3, that has some scratches on the side plate. I saw one in excellent shape for sale, that sais it fits K frame. Are these side plates interchangeable?



There's simply no way of telling 100% without testing it. Generally the fit will be close, but occasionally you can get a sideplate that it a little oversized.

To get the best chance for a match, make sure the side plate matches the model of your gun.


New member
I just got an email from the seller. He said he has had it for 10 years, and he got it from a gunsmith that said HE got it from somebody that was in the military. He also said it was machined, not cast or molded. Does that help any?


New member
They made the guns by 'selective assembly' , meaning that they have a batch of parts and just find one that fits. So that side plate may or may not fit .It has to be the same part number and may require some careful fitting. NEVER pry off a sideplate !!

Standing Wolf

Member in memoriam
I just got an email from the seller. He said he has had it for 10 years, and he got it from a gunsmith that said HE got it from somebody that was in the military. He also said it was machined, not cast or molded. Does that help any?

For $5.00, I might take a chance. The odds on a good fit aren't very high.


New member
Revolver side plates are individually hand fitted at the factory.
All S&W side plates are machined, not cast, then the side plate is custom hand fitted by a Master fitter at the factory.

In addition, when the frame is polished, the side plate is attached with special screws and the plate is polished along with the frame to insure it's perfectly level with the rest of the frame.

Chances of getting a fit with a replacement are LOW.
First, it's not likely to fit in place, since the plates are hand fitted, and it's purely a matter of blind luck buying another and having it drop in.

Second, since the plates are polished along with the frame, a different plate almost always fits ether too high, or too low.

Last, the "K frame has had minor changes over the years, and whatever plate you get very possible won't fit under any conditions.

Otherwise, trying to get one to fit on your own is a straight crap shoot. Chances are about 95% OR MORE that whatever plate you buy will NOT fit properly, if at all, and you will have wasted your money on a plate that's useless to you.

Sorry, this is one downside to revolvers.
Unlike autos, virtually every major part is hand fitted at the factory, and new parts do NOT "drop in", especially not side plates.

A better option, is to have S&W or a GOOD professional refinishing service re-polish the original side plate and polish the scratches out.

You'd be amazed at what S&W or a pro re-finisher can do with a scratched up gun.


New member
The used plate I'm talking about is $75, which seems very expensive. I think I'm going to pass! However, now I'm curious. Has anyone had their gun repolished by S&W? Just curious approx what that would cost. I'm trying to make a gun that is excellent in all other respects excellent all over. I guess I'm anal!


New member
thank you for the info! I'm calling them today... and thanks to all of you guys. This site is a 'goldmine' of info!

Hammer It

New member
Repairing Just the sideplate of a K-frame

Hello Carl418
I have been in your position before. I can say that S&W will NOT just reblue and polish the sideplate sent by itself. They will require the WHOLE revolver be shipped back to them, and often only do refinish work on revolver less than 20 Years old from what I have heard, and this may mean your's is too old. I do have a suggestion that will make this painless and rather economical for you. Ford's in Florida does Custom refinishing and WILL reblue simply the sideplate for you. Here is a link to there web site, and if you phone them, ask for Larna. She is the shop owner and does the polishing. They can match the finish of your gun simply by polishing the sideplate and rebluing it. This will save you the cost and hassle of Having to send the complete gun, as S&W will require. It will further save you money as when you do send your complete firearm to S&W they may require you to receive it back through an FFL as well. I have NO dog in this fight, but have used Ford's in the past and there work is impeccable ! Plus Guaranteed a FULL year. ;) Just a thought, Hammer It.
$75 for a used side plate is about DOUBLE what it should be.

That's just a crack-smoking insane price.

Fitting a side plate is not difficult.

It is tedious, time consuming, tedious, frustrating, tedious fraught with danger (scratching the frame, peining the edges), tedious, and tedious.

Oh, did I mention it is mind-numbingly tedious?


New member
Hammer It, thanks for the great link! I'll call tomorrow..... I did call S&W today. They do want the whole gun, and we never even got to the point of asking me what model it is. He just said they don't do just parts of guns. Oh, well..... thanks, everyone for all the great advice! When I get this resolved, I'll try to post some pics. This really is a great looking revolver!

Hammer It

New member
Hello Carl418
You are very welcome.I know this one is not a blued finish.. But they do impeccable work as shown on my Favorite K-22.This example was at one time reblued by an amature and he had ruined the original Trademark and roll stamp on the barrel by over polishing it. Ford's restamped all the factory marking's on this one before refinishing it in nickel. Best regards, Hammer It.


New member
Hammer It, that is beautiful!! I called Larna today, and she said they will resurface and reblue my side plate for $40. It also turns out I know exactly what part of Florida she is in, and she has many kin in and around where I am in Georgia! (small world....). Anyway, she is very nice, and after seeing the work they did on your gun, I feel a lot better about this whole thing. I got the sideplate off tonight, and it's going in the mail tomorrow. Thanks a lot for your advice!! I'll post a pic when I get it back together.


New member
Budget work

THe only cheaper deal would be to polish it yourself, and find a local gunsmith who would drop it in the tank for you when he is doing bulk blueing, which would presumably not cost you much. Alot of the price is the hand polishing of the part to prep it before the blueing. Yes, you can do a decent polish job on that part yourself, if you have patience and don't get carried away, since it is basically flat except for the part that forms part of the hammer well. But, heck let a pro do it and then it will be guaranteed. You would have to be careful to keep the edges sharp or it would look bad at the seam where it meets the frame. If it looks too good, you will wish to do the whole gun!

Hammer It

New member
Ford's Refinishing

Hello Carl418
Ford's are a true Mom & Pop run refinishing business. Larna has shared with me they ONLY have family as workers there. They used to have out side member's of the family as employees, but it ended up in a quality issue as they were more concerned in the pay check than what the finished product looked like, and to be Frank.. This did NOT cut it with there past reputation for details.They also do ALL the work for Cylinder & Slide of finishes and do all the finishes for Automag as well on those Giant .50 Cals. I am sure you will be pleased with there results as I was. The above revolver job cost was $225.00 and $25.00 of that was for shipping it back to my FFL. This was a cheap price to pay for the level of quality they achieved. I also do not know of any refinisher that gives a FULL YEAR warranty on there finishes. Regards, Hammer It.


New member
Carl states
The used plate I'm talking about is $75, which seems very expensive. I think I'm going to pass! However, now I'm curious. Has anyone had their gun repolished by S&W? Just curious approx what that would cost. I'm trying to make a gun that is excellent in all other respects excellent all over.

I had a pretty scratched up Model 65 rebuilt by S&W a few years back. That part, the polishing was around $125 at that time. They did a beautiful job.