JUSTICE PREVAILS !!! (re: Carrol, McMEllon, Murphy, Boss)

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Rob Pincus

New member
The Jury just found all four officers involved in the Diallo shooting Not Guilty of 2nd Degree Murder and all lesser included charges!

Of course, Sharpton and his pack will push for an appeal on civil rights issues.

Everyone should feel a little safer tonight (unless, of course, you are a criminal).



New member
I would suspect in a week, or less.

The most foolish mistake we could make would be to allow the subjected people to carry arms; history shows that all conquerers who have allowed their subjected people to carry arms have prepared their own fall.
Adolf Hitler


New member
Hear, hear! Now that would be justice.

I've almost gotten into fist fights (with friends, no less) trying to explain why these officers are not to blame...

[This message has been edited by Morgan (edited February 25, 2000).]


New member
They must have said WHITE officers 20 times, the press wants riots because more riots = more need for tighter law enforcement = less rights ect. - wonderful.


New member
If the media doesn't drag their butts on this, they should be able to whip up some race riots before the February sweeps period is over.


New member
Of course, this is not over with. Now the officers will be taken to civil court and the NYPD will probably wreck their careers.

Al the Bigot will start something, he would loose too much face if he doesn't.

This is not the end, just the first step.

Geoff Ross


Moderator Emeritus
Problem is that Guiliani will take the heat and Hillary will get more votes

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!


New member
I'm sitting here watching the news coverage. The reporters seem absoultely shocked at the verdict :)!

Rudy had an immediate press conference, did a good job, but the bigots will spin this as a miscariage of justice. He is handling tough questions from the reporters, even refused to comment on Hillarys "Murder" comment.

Al the Bigot's rent a mob is outside the courthouse in Albany making noise. The city is quiet (NYC) because the instigators are up in Albany.

The police commish says the officers will remain on modified duty, the firearms review board will "Review" their actions.

Geoff Ross

Rob Pincus

New member
One of the most interesting immediate comments was from the US Justice Department. They announced their intention to launch a Civil Rights investigation within an hour of the verdict being read.... go figure. :rolleyes:



New member
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by K80Geoff:
Of course, this is not over with. Now the officers will be taken to civil court and the NYPD will probably wreck their careers.

Al the Bigot will start something, he would loose too much face if he doesn't.

This is not the end, just the first step.

Geoff Ross

Having lived through the L.A. Period of Civil Unrest I think it will come soon . The welfare checks will be delivered early next week so the liquor stores will be peddling " Righteous Indignation " shortly thereafter . I'm sure Jesse will be arriving on his jet this week-end to coordinate demonstrations and street confrontations with New York's finest .People say that the shortest period of time ever able to be recorded is the time between the light turning green and the guy behind you honking his horn . Well stand aside Hornboy . The shortest time I believe will be between the verdict and Bill making sure the Justice Department files Civil Rights Abuse charges against these officers .Through Janet Reno of course . What an opportunity for Al Bore to show how appalled he is by justice that is not convenient . I can see him and Bradley now . " Massa Sharpton , Massa Sharpton kin ah hol' yo coat whilse yo' spresses yo' seff to da repotas ? ". If you think this is over kindly forward me a check and take permanent possession of the Brooklyn Bridge . It's yours . New York you have my sympathies . Hope for a cold spell to set in . Maybe they will stay home and just burn PICTURES of buildings .



New member
How long did it take for the Civil Rights charges to be filed after the first acquittal in the Rodney King case?



New member
Good verdict as I predicted. You`re all correct on the aftermath. Reno, Big Al, Bradley, Dinkins ad nauseum will continue to stir the pot. However, I don`t think Guliani will allow the riots like Dinkins did in Crown Heights. We took a beating for 3 days and stopped it in a few hours once the gloves came off.
The 4 officers are screwed. The city will try and throw them to the wolves lawsuit wise. The good thing is there`s really no money there. The real purpose is to get the city to settle out of court. And of course the civil rights "violations". Reno is best known in Florida for prosecuting LEO`s.
Their freedom is still in jeopardy. Feel sorry too for the individual officers who still have to work the streets. They`ll still have to put up with the skels every day. Glad I`m retired.


Retired Screen Name
I forget sometimes . . . what the HELL ever made me think I wanted to be a cop?
If there are riots, I hope there's another run on gun stores like L.A. People are forgetting what that was like.


New member
I may take a fair number of stray rounds for this, but here goes.

Guys, let not forget what started this whole thing - an innocent man was wrongly shot 19 times. As a result, he died.

Now it appears that a jury, having heard all the evidence has concluded that the officers involved did not act with criminal or reckless intent. Given that they heard all the evidence and I did not, I respect their verdict. On the other hand that jury verdict does not mean that the shooting was, in fact, justified or that the officers who did the shooting were'nt negligent in their actions. Thus while the officers are not criminally liable, they may well be civily and professionally liable - that remains to be seen.

Whatever the outcome I think our first sympathies should go to the family of the man who was killed. While we should be gratefull to the NY Jury for their service and gratified to see the system work, all in all there is little in this whole sad tragedy to pleased with.

Just my gut reaction.

"If a man neglects to enforce his rights, he cannot complain if, after a while, the law follows his example. . ." - Oliver Wendell Holmes


New member
Deacon, I've gotta go with you on this one. I'm not saying the LEOs weren't in a neighborhood known for high crime and were undoubtedly edgy, but an innocent man was killed. I know there are some of us who also live in a high crime area.

Something to think about.


New member
What would happen if you as a CCW shot a unarmed person whom you thought presented a threat?

Please note, I'm not upset at this verdict. I think that the officers were justified, given what I know about the shoot.


New member
Was this a surprise? Of course not.
41 SHOTS 41!! Jesus Christ. Two of them reloaded, lets not forget. Also, imagine you were Dialo. You see 4 guys in PLAIN CLOTHES pull guns on you, and the next thing you see are muzzle flashes. What would YOU have done? Gimme a break.

Remember, if you ever shoot someone a bunch of times, all you have to do is get up on the stand and cry. Works every time.

BTW, this very same could happen to US, Gun Owners. Justice was served eh? Tell that to the poor black guy that has 19 lead slugs in him.

Misjudgement? Waco and Ruby Ridge were misjudgements too werent they? The Feds/cops just happened to mess up, not on purpose, of course not.

I knew the people at TFL would be behind those trigger happy bastrds who think that they're God because they wear a badge on their chest.


New member
I'll have to go with the last few posters on this.

Although I'm glad the race card failed, the officers killed an unarmed man. The defense, "I didn't know he was unarmed" doesn't wash with me. You'd better be damn certain you're justified before pulling the trigger, particularly for police. If these guys were anyone other than LE, they'd already be serving a life sentance.

As an aside, I don't understand how Guliani could possible be accoutable for the verdict. Is he supposed to rig juries in his city?
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