Justa thinkin' outloud.....


New member

I don't have a huge collection of handguns but do have them in .22, .380, 9mm and .45 calibers. I enjoy owning and shooting all of them but when I want one that I can feel fuzzy warm with and cuddle up to for concealed carry, it seems that the .45 is always the pick of the litter. I have a Springfield Armory 1911 Loaded and love to shoot it. But it's a little heavy for cc so I settled in on a Kahr CW45. Accurate, dependable, good fit and very comfortable with the Mitch Rosen holster. Kind of like an old pair of well worn western boots. Hollow point in chamber, fmj's in mag.

Don't know why I even posted this....guess I was afraid this ole 74 year mind would lose it's train of thought before I could capture the moment!! Not trying to pick a fight or start a civil war....justa musing I guess.....

NRA Lifer
Ham Operator W5CAP
"Just sign it, you can read it later"..Nancy Phewlosi
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Lost Sheep

New member
Your musing gave me a warm, fuzzy feeling, too. Thanks, Codger. (While you can still enjoy, you are not old.)

Lost Sheep


New member
Thanks for the response Lost Sheep. It's amusing how we gun nuts all think alike for the most part. By the way, hope the Shepherd finds you soon.....


New member

How could one ever go wrong with a .45acp? Kudos as I know folks I see at the range around the same age that opt for a smaller choice like the .380 etc...



New member
I hear ya' OleCodger... I have CrimsonTrace on my CW45... Deadly at SD range and I don't even have to be lookin' down the barrel which is kinda nice 'cause I'm gettin' to be an old codger too... (I also have a CW9).


New member
I give my J-frame a stroke to two every night before I go to bed although I really like my 1911. I only take that out on special occasions and with certain people. The J-frame just conceals better for me than anything else I have tried. Haven't tried any Kahrs myself yet.


New member
Thanks to each of you for the great responses. Nothing like "chewing the rag" with other gun lovers/owners. And may those two categories live forever.

The 1911's are my all time favorites....have a SA .45 Loaded and also a Taurus 9mm. The SA is the "looker" and my bedside partner,but prefer the Taurus at the range since it's cheaper to shoot and is easier on the arthritic joints. Also have a CW9 that is my cc practice range gun. Same exact design as the CW45 but again cheaper to shoot.

As we say here in the Mid-South, "Y'all have a good'n"..........


New member
OleCodger.... I am a 1911 guy myself, and have several. I just recently bought a Kahr CW-9 and a CM-9 and I can't believe how accurate they are for such a small gun. When carrying it you forget you have it. My next one is going to be a Kahr 45. Kahr has come a long way, and are producing top notch guns. I think if more people would give Kahr a chance they will see what we are talking about. They are a very well made gun, that you can bet your life on. I have not had one malfunction of any kind with the CM or the CW in well over 800 rounds now. So have a good time with your guns, and keep shooting.


New member
Twice.......I have both the CW9 and CW.45....9 for the range and .45 for the hip. I agree on the comfort. The Kahrs are very nice dependable and economical cc pistols. I've never had a malfunction with either. And the take down for cleaning is a breeze. I did buy the "wrap around" grip from Midway for added comfort....the "buttons" on the grip became very uncomfortable after a few rounds....Wow, didn't realize it's so late.....been flying the Microsoft FS4 flight simulator and time got away from me!

Bob Wright

New member
First of all, OleCodger, where in north central Arkansas might you be?

Like you, I've got one gun that just always seem to be my pick, though mine are revolvers, or course.

I've had my experience with the autoloaders, had a Colt Gold Cup in .45 ACP that was a dandy for crows and the like. I just hated it when I couldn't find my ejected brass. I've never owned a M1911, but did have some experience with a friend's Colt Government Model .45. Beautiful gun, tried to talk him out of it, but no deal.

Have a good'n.

Bob Wright


New member
Bob, we're located in beautiful, historic Searcy, Ar. 50 miles north and east of Little Rock....Know what you mean about the brass although I don't reload. The easiest spent brass that I have ever found lodged between the lower part of my glasses and cheek. I found it immediately, said "Well doggone it" and have never gone back to the range without a billed cap. :). I did discover that the heat from the brass transfers rather rapidly to the epidermis!! By the way, maybe you need to chip in another couple of bucks for the friend's 1911!!

Have a good'n
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New member
Ruger SR22.

Easy on the cost of shooting, no chasing empty brass, they work, and you can look hip shooting a brand new design. ~$365 and change.


New member
I am with you. Who wants to get into a gun fight and not have a better caliber than the other guy? Can't beat a 45. I have four of um and enjoy them the most.
Ham radio operator WM6P


New member
I own the CM9 and a couple of Colt 1911's. So Olecodger, I'm with you on your choice of firearms. My CM9 has had no malfunctions and my 1911's are completely reliable as well. Love these guns.

Bob Wright

New member
By the way, maybe you need to chip in another couple of bucks for the friend's 1911!!

Wish I could, OleCodger, but this friend has been dead a number of years, now. So far as I know, his guns were divided up among his family, and I've lost contact with them.

Bob Wright


New member
Tnx fellows for all of the responses......after I made the post I wondered how gun lovers would interpret what I was trying to say....sure are a lot of good people that hang out around here....everyone keep your powder dry and stay pointed down range.......