Just Who is the Dumb Redneck?


New member
Well, for my first post to this forum, I thought it only fitting that I relate it to the subject that brought me here -- specifically the Molan Labe gear that Larry Correia puts together. He put up a post on the 1911 forum that led me to this one.

Anyway, to the point. Since I started wearing my Molan Labe stuff, I always get questions about what it means. I work in an office of predominately anti-gunners (pretty much everyone but me) and even they are fascinated by the story of the Spartans at Thermopylae and the usage of "Molan Labe" now. It got me to thinking that pretty much all of the "rednecks with guns" that I know are very well versed in subjects like history, philosophy, and the sciences. I'm always 'astounding" people in my office with facts that I know, or an ability to do things, which if compared to many (most) of my shooting friends are of a pretty average range of knowledge and abilities (meaning I usually learn a lot more info than I impart). Yet the anti-gun crowd labels us all a bunch of "dumb rednecks." When we have debates or discussions or make email sig lines, we often quote great Statesmen and other historical figures. Anti-gunners quote Rosie O'Donnell. Yet WE are the dumb rednecks. Sheesh.

I guess I just wanted to make the point that I enjoy the company of all you dumb rednecks out there :p and always feel like I learn a lot talking with my shooting and hunting friends, or reading hunting books by Theodore Roosevelt, or browsing these forums. If all of the above are dumb rednecks, then I'm proud to be in your company.

Good Shooting,



New member
Redneck? Yes I am!

I got my redneck the old fashioned way: I spent many hours under the hot sun working hard.
Of course it is mainly on the left side as I always tried to rig-up so that I would be facing north. That was back when I used to work for a living.

Bob Locke

New member
Well, I'm descended from oil field workers and farmers. I'm not really a redneck myself, but there are a LOT of them swinging in my family tree!

I prefer to think of myself as "bassackwards". :D

Fred Hansen

New member
Je suis "hillbilly", merci beaucoup! Too hard to get a redneck in the Pacific Northwest. Modern liberals are idiots by definition. The political philosophy that they subscribe to flies in the face of the laws of physics, common sense, and all that is holy. Like all parasites, they will only cease to be if A) A cure is found, or B) They succeed in totaly sucking the life force of the host, thereby destroying both.

I'm hoping for A., but my natural cynicism tells me that there isn't much life force left to suck. A pox on leftists, everywhere.

P.S. Tell those gravy-sucking cubicle chimps that I said Hi! Also mention that they can bite me.:D


New member
My neck gets really red when stung by mosquitoes. Does that count? :)

A hot, ejected casing on the neck does the same, too.


Calamity Jane

New member
. It got me to thinking that pretty much all of the "rednecks with guns" that I know are very well versed in subjects like history, philosophy, and the sciences.

Sounds like hubby and me! And born 'n' bred in the hills of East Tennessee, we were. :D

Welcome to TFL, BenW! I reckon you'll like it 'round here!

Don Gwinn

Staff Emeritus
Oh, I've had the red neck. Now I don't.

The great thing about being a hot rodder and/or redneck and/or gunner is that you can astound people with knowledge and ideas they wouldn't find astounding in most cases. Call me a cynic.


Member In Memoriam
"When we have debates or discussions or make email sig lines, we often quote great Statesmen and other historical figures. Anti-gunners quote Rosie O'Donnell."

Great point (& welcome BTW, BenW). I am continually amazed (although no reason to be so by now) at the wealth of knowledge shown by those here at TFL.

If one has a question, whether regards firearms themselves, or historical, most any case cite, etc., the answer (& with substantiated link/s & background/back-up) will usually be posted within the day (if not much sooner). Factual information, rather than feelings, usually drives our own thoughts & beliefs (although "we" can still use a bit of work on some basic tenents).

M. Savages' retort to the average liberal = "food good, fire bad" sums up their normal extent of thought process. Sheesh, indeed. ;)

Futo Inu

New member
Let's see, am I a Redneck?

No, I don't think so. Well, got to go play with my new Christmas presents. I got a...........

Twelve pack of bud
Eleven Rasslin tickets
Can of Copenhagen
Nine Years Probation
Eight table dancers
Seven somethin somethin
Six cans of Spam
Five something
Four muddin' tires
Three shotgun shells
Two huntin dogs
and some part to a Mustang GT

I dunno, most "dumb rednecks" around here are just that. Most, but certainly not all.

Are you trying to tell me that Rosie O'Donnell is not a great historical figure?

Did Redneck originally mean farmer?
Want to talk about rednecks, huh? The person to talk about rednecks should be the Master Gunsmith of Colonial Williamsburg, Wallace Gustler. Wallace was telling me that the riflemen (frontiersman) who ventured and hunted beyond and the coast were the "rednecks" of their days. His gave a lot of analogies which were amusing and logical.


New member
neck bones

Calamity.....never use the phrase
n'bred when talking about Tennessee.

JMBG......WFB rules. The depth of his grasp of events, trends, history, and personalities is astounding. It was obvious to me that a redneck of your demonstated intellect would appreciate him. Now go get them dawgs out from under the porch and scare us up some supper

Jim V

New member
Ahhhhh, "Rednecks for WFB", what is WFB's stance on private ownership of firearms? I remember some of his writings that were no very pro-gun ownership. Perhaps I am not remembering things as they were however.........


New member
Buckley and Buckshot

Jim V,

Your post got me to thinking that I had also seen some recent writings by WFB on RKBA. My hunting scared up an article from The National Review, Oct. 2000 where he takes a favorable look at some of the documentation that is cited in support of the Second Amendment, esp. correspondence between Madison and Tench Coxe.

He does make the analogy that some governmental oversight of weapons possession should be no more of an infringement than zoning restrictions are on the possession of private property. Aside from this, he seems to dispair that the RKBA debate has become polarized by zealots on both sides. I didn't get the sense that he sided either way.


New member
Welcome to the board BenW

We are never what the oposition expects us to be. Hell, we aren't always what we expect of each other. I had lunch with Labgrade one day and I'll bet I wasn't what he was expecting.

The fact is that the antis have had it drummed into them that we are a bunch of trailer trash, pickup driving, camo wearing, shoot at anything that moves hicks with low education and even lower ambitions. Our wives lay around in curlers and a bathrobe all day collecting welfare and drinking RC Cola. We all eat pizza and canned goods because they can't cook either and when they do it is something we either killed ourselves or picked up out of the road. Our kids are dirty, undisciplined, and uneducated because we allow them to play hookey to go hunting with us.

Then they actually meet one of us and they still don't get it that they have been living the big lie. They just accept that we are not what they expected but the rest of the ones they haven't met still meet the description.