Just wanted to say thanks


New member
This is the frist place where people don't look at me weird for wanting to buy a gun. You tell someone that your thinking of getting like a Walther P99. After they find out what a P99 is ;) they usally give you that Oh so you have an arcenal in your basement with crates of ammo and explosives where you prepare for the next War kinda look.

I don't think they understand that shooting is a sport and a hobby...just because your getting a gun doesn't mean you have someone you want to kill. Anyway I just wanted to say thanks for being here.


New member

I know how you feel, these guys here are friends who'll tell it straight to me because that's what i need to hear. They always offer advice and counsell. I couldn't ask for a better place to ask questions or meet new people. Just my opinion, but it's shared by a lot.




Member of the Fightin' Texas Aggie Class of '03!!


New member
Same here. I only have one friend that lives in my area who is decidedly firearms-friendly. Many of my other friends are either anti-gun or don't know or care to know anything about guns. In general, my area is very unfriendly towards guns. I usually drive to another state just to shoot.


New member
they usally give you that Oh so you have an arcenal in your basement with crates of ammo and explosives where you prepare for the next War kinda look.

Naw, that's just for my next trip to the practice range! :p

Ya gotta take those sorts with enough salt to pickle them with. (Comes in handy for rubbing in wounds too)


New member
feel lucky you don't live here in Sh**cago , the very mention of the word , and you are a outlaw , I was talking to a guy at work about reloading ammo one day and the next thing I know my coworkers are thinking I might start a war , go figure .. well have fun withyour 99


New member
coach, they aren't all green, mind is "deadly assualt weapon black"

and it's PLASTIC not rubber *Grin*



New member
Wow I didn't know it was made of Plastic, all the stuff I've looked up on the gun just says it was made for law enforcement and homedefense and they wanted it to be lighter and cheaper than the P88? But also that it's a very reliable and accurate gun... So would a Sig P226 be less of a "green rubber pistol" ? besides I didn't wanta get the green one :p


Congrats on your 8000 posts there Sam :D


New member
Quote: So would a Sig P226 be less of a "green rubber pistol" ?

Yes. SIGs are made of scraps scavenged from roofing nail plating operations. There is virtually no rubber in them. Plus, they age to a variety of chalky whites and deep, scabrous oranges.

By the way, I have a P-220 for sale on this site...



New member

If you want to sit on a couple of crates of ammo in my basement surrounded by an arsenal and talk about the coming war whilst drooling over the smell of gunpowder, you're more than welcome! ;)


New member
You found it!

Welcome to the best site on earth:D! You will also get around to crating ammo and starting an arsenal yourself;). Did you dig out a fallout shelter in the back yard yet:rolleyes:?

Your mission, if you chose to except it, is to convert one person a month over to our side through good debate and getting that plastic pistol in the hands of the anti's. Once they get to shoot, 9 times out of 10, the battle is won for our side:)(considered the dark side). This message will self destruct in 5 seconds!


New member
so the Glock and the P99 have a polymer casing with metal barrel and slide? What other guns are "plastic"? I did a search for polymer weapons and the glock was the only common one that came up.


New member
Polymer guns


S&W Sigma I think is polymer
HK USP series
HK VPO7Z (The first polymer gun)
Kel tec
Beretta 9000S

Not to mention all of the 1911 variants made in polymer from various companies such as

Okay which ones did I miss?


New member
Ahh I didn't know that there were that many. Interesting. That makes me feel better about getting a polymer gun :)

The USP series is polymer? That suprises me.


New member
Hands down...this is the best place for info and regular old GP BS'ing.....anyone else noticed that there's been a bunch of love in TFL since the site went down.......a serious lack of flamin' going on.


New member
I really like this site and have received a lot of good information here -- someone is always willing to jump in and help you out, especially with newbie questions. There's a lot of good manners and reasoned discussion. It's a far cry from the board I started on when I took up shooting again about six months ago (which shall remain nameless). Unfortunately it was populated with bullies who were obsessed with the idea that "trolls" were lurking everywhere. Pretty dismal stuff.