Just tripled my S&W collection


New member
I was warned by you guys when I bought my 14-3 that these S&Ws were addictive, turns out you're right. I bought two more the other day. I recently moved to an area where I can get a carry permit, so I needed to do a little shopping anyway.

I ended up with a 64-3 and a 37-nothing. I think all my carry needs are now met. Of the two, the 37 is definitely "sexier", with it's blued finish and pinned barrel, but what I really love about Smiths is shooting them!


New member
Pictures are always nice. Now that you've got your J and K frames it's time to look at the true beauties of the S&W line: the magnificent N-Frame.


New member

Parents warn their kids about smoking, drinking, sex and do they listen? We tried to warn you about buying S&W revolvers, but did you listen? Of course not.


You're gonna end up a wheelgun junkie like a lot of us...


The long & short of it.
S&W Model 25's, .45ACP N-Frame


S&W Model 66, 042, 649 and Model 31 3"


New member
BillCA- You got it- $'s always say adios, but isn't great to end up with a revovler when the $ goes? I like whiskey and women, but my first revolver is still here and lots of whiskey and women are gone.
Like the link by the way-added to my favorites.