Just the Facts Please


New member
Classic Bill:
* In an October of 1996 campaign stop, Bill Clinton met with the widow of Police Officer Jerome Harrison Seaberry. Later at a political rally, Bill Clinton cited Officer Seaberry's death as a reason to outlaw armor piercing bullets. (7)

* Officer Seaberry died in a car crash. No guns or bullets were involved. (7)


Moderator Emeritus
Gotta love this factoid...

*According to the 1997 tax return of Al and his wife Tipper, they earned $197,729 and gave $343 to charity.(21)


New member
Wow, great site. I am furious after reading it, but it's a great site.

Hkmp5sd, you don't know that for sure. That $343 could just be cash donations.
Excellent Site

The saying, "Figures don't lie... but liars figure" has been both a favorite catch phrase and an article of faith of mine for a very long time. So the first place I went to on this site was the section titled "Mission Statement/Standards of Credibility.

OK... I'm impressed.

The authors apply very strict and aggressive standards to a factoid before it goes on the site, and they provide the reference for those of us with low and suspicious minds who like to do our own research.

Definately deserving of bookmark and favorite status.

Thanks Coltdriver.


New member
I hope they can keep the site continuously updated. Lots of good stuff.

Just scanned the Gun Control tab. My favorite factoid so far:

* When the law went into effect, the Dade County Police began a program to record all arrest and non arrest incidents involving concealed carry licensees. Between September of 1987 and August of 1992, Dade County recorded 4 crimes committed by licensees with firearms. None of these crimes resulted in an injury. The record keeping program was abandoned in 1992 because there were not enough incidents to justify tracking them. (13)(15)
