Just sent in for my non resident Florida permit

not trying to nit pic... I'm jelous... I need to get a few more out of state permits, just so I'm safe on the main freeways

& WI... is another story as well... AFAIK... not available... no way, no how


New member
Just one comment on out of state permits ( Ref Florida granting out of state CCW)
Don't screw it up for the residents, if you have a problem in another state
( by doing something stupid ) and flash the Florida CCW, We will get the blame..
I think we all ( Me Included ) have to be extra careful with our new freedoms of many state CCW's .
I think this would apply to all states, it's the residents that will take the heat
( read , loss of Carry permits ) for any carry problems...


New member
Nowus - Just one comment on out of state permits ( Ref Florida granting out of state CCW)
Don't screw it up for the residents, if you have a problem in another state
( by doing something stupid ) and flash the Florida CCW, We will get the blame..
I think we all ( Me Included ) have to be extra careful with our new freedoms of many state CCW's .
I think this would apply to all states, it's the residents that will take the heat
( read , loss of Carry permits ) for any carry problems...

Nowus - I have been carrying CCW for 21 years and never has to even show my weapon or permit once - It would, however, be me who gets the crap if I "did somthing stupid", not the state that enabled me to carry. Your taking the side of the Brady's almost thinking that a problem is the result of the state issueing or the gun is bad. If there is a problem, it is with the person pulling the trigger or brandishing the weapon - The gun and permit are innocent!


New member
Don't screw it up for the residents, if you have a problem in another state
( by doing something stupid ) and flash the Florida CCW, We will get the blame..

Don't worry about it. Since 1987, there have been 3,418 Florida licenses revoked for crimes committed after the license was issued, with 164 of them having the firearm used in the crime.

As there have been 1,304,332 licenses issued (1987-2007) and 472,939 valid licenses currently on the streets, the statistics support us that don't do stupid things. "Shall Issue" is here to stay in Florida.


New member
And Nebraska. Like WI and IL, They don't recognize ANYONE else's CCW permit. Hell, in some parts of the state they don't even recognize their own (no preemption).


New member
kayaker, trust me I am not a Brady supporter.....

It appears I did not get the point across. My error...

It also appears you took my comment as if it was directed at you,
It was not, but considering your reaction, , maybe your excitement
over CCW would cause some concern .

The CCW is an awsome responsibility on the individual.
It is our responsibility ( mine included ) to insure it is not taken away from us.

And The best way to NOT have the 2nd amendment usurped by he Brady's
Is ' Responsible' gun ownership.

If you live in a state where CCW's are NOT issued, and acquire a CCW from
another state , to carry in other states, and an issue arises with said carry
( doing something stupid ). ;
Well than I think the Brady's would love to make a ' National' issue out of it.

HKMP, I strongly hope you are correct, Having lived he for only 8 years
I do not know the history of Fla CCW. I find the current policy very
2nd Amend, pro active. Having lived in Gun unfriendly states, tends to
make me more apprehensive.

Last comment;
Your state refuses your right to CCW, so you get a permit from another state,
Why don't you fight it in your own state, why rely on
another state ( where the gun owners have made a difference ).
Thank you Florida long time residents !!!!


New member
I have to add S.C.

My state does recognize a few other states permits... Like N.C. and a few others... but Florida is not one of them and for the life of me I can't figure out why... Florida's requirements are pratically the same as S.C.s

I presume the nevada reciprocity for Florida permits is for all Florida permits and not just residents?


New member

One last thing: "Last comment;
Your state refuses your right to CCW, so you get a permit from another state,
Why don't you fight it in your own state, why rely on
another state ( where the gun owners have made a difference ).
Thank you Florida long time residents !!!!"

If a state refuses to offer CCW's, they sure as hell are not going to recognize an out of state permit - That is not the reason we get these - I spend 2-3 weeks each year in Maine and 2-3 weeks each year in FL - I travel by car and this option allows for CCW and for me to CCW as I pass through the states that offer reciprocity. I detour around the ones that dont or unload the gun and store in locked box in trunk if I have to pass through a bad one like Mass.


Um, MIM?

And MA.

Nobody can carry concealed in MA without a Mass. LTC-ALP or a Mass non-resident permit

That...was my point. Read again. Put it in context with the post right above, of states he's not allowed to carry in that he'd left out of his list.

I detour around the ones that dont or unload the gun and store in locked box in trunk if I have to pass through a bad one like Mass.

Careful, there. If you're pulled over and they find that, unless you can prove you're going to a "pistol competition", it's a felony with a mandatory 1-year jail sentence. There's no peaceable journey caveat there. And if you have a single hi-cap, you're doubly screwed. Only way to travel through MA with any handgun is to either have signed proof you're going to a competition and have it nearly disassembled, or to get a nonresident LTC, which they soak you $100 a year for.


New member
Wow, I was unaware of that 'no journey' clause - Doesn't surprise me about Mass. I hate seeing those one year mandatory sentence signs when I enter a non gun-freindly state. Looks like I will detour up a few states as I pass to maine. Thanks for the info manedwolf.


Yup, MA is dangerous. Yes, there's a federal "peaceable journey" from the 80's, but it doesn't matter there. The state troopies don't know or don't care, and they'll just arrest you even if it's in a locked case.

They're more lenient for long guns if you have a valid hunting license and a destination or competition, but for handguns, unless you have signed documentation that you're going to a competition with it or a valid nonresident LTC, you're screwed and are going to prison. It's East Germany.

(Though curiously, when they catch gangstas with stolen fo-tays in Mattapan and Dorchester, they only get a slap on the wrist. It's the people who make a mistake that get the judicial firing squad.)


New member
It seems like there would be an allowance for hunting - What if I was taking my S&W 460V to go moose, deer or bear hunting in Maine and had a vaild non resident liscence for Maine???