Just read my first Shotgun News. Wow.


New member
For years I've heard and read about Shotgun News, but I've never bothered to pick one up because, well, I guess the name turned me off--I wasn't really looking for a shotgun. Today a buddy gave me his issue.

Um, for those of you who have been as ignorant as I have been, this thing is really worth picking up. It's 200 pages of pretty much every kind of firearm, parts, and scopes you can imagine. The average page probably contains 20 to 40 items, with lots of pictures. And there are very few shotguns.

I'm really not trying to pimp for this rag, but it is definitely worth picking up if you're interested in checking out what's available. This is probably "old news" to most of you, but it wasn't for me and it may not be for others. Get one.


New member
I've been subscribing to SGN for a number of years, just renewed for another 3. Beats the newsstand price by alot if you subscribe and you'll get it 3 times a month. Be the envy of your friends when you let them know of specials.


New member
They really should change their name. I was like you for the longest time, I imagined some stuffy magazine with a bunch of antique **** guns in it that I don't care about.

Oh how wrong I was, it's a gunshow in a mag... Love it. It has got to be the best place to get the best price on virtually everything...


New member
It's pretty good to keep track of prices and how about how much your local shop paid for a particular gun. I like it quite a bit better than GunList, anyway.


New member
Yeah, stinkin' rag! Cost me bundles over the years - I keep seeing stuff in there that I've gotta go get my dealer to order in for me... :D

El Rojo

New member
I remember the day I received my first Shotgun News. I think it took me well over an hour to read through the whole thing. I was in Heaven at the ripe age of about 20 or 21. I have been receiving them ever since. It really is the best place to find thing you want, or at least compare prices. I have found a couple of really good deals on ammo in Shotgun News from Kiesler's and Hoplite. I have ordered M-14 national match sights from the Ahmerst Depot. I have ordered a few guns from it as well. Overall, if you are not getting Shotgun News, you need to.


New member
Every time I read SGN, I find myself saying "I want one of those, and one of those, and one of those...."

Final verdict? Hate it. SGN makes me realize just how poor I am. :(


New member
the articles of late have been improving

Clayton Cramer has had a few
the one on Building a 50bmg was good

its really the semiauto news
i used to enjoy reading it on the DC Metro


New member
"the articles of late have been improving "

I have been reading the Shotgun News for years. Just like you, the first time I saw one I almost wet my pants. But today, there is good reading in there. I also really enjoyed the article about building the .50. I don't buy them all the time, but always enjoy it when I do. I have the same problem as everyone else. I either immediately spend a lot of money or wish I could.


New member
When I was a kid there was such a thing as a Sears & Roebuck catalog. Christmas "shopping" consisted of starting on the first page of the toy section, flipping the pages, and pointing at everything: "I want that, and that, and that, and that..."

SGN is much, much worse.


New member
I remember seeing an ad in SGN about 15 years ago for an operational half track WITH an operational M2 Browning on it for $5800.


New member
Just bought one Monday....like kung-POW!!, I only feel like a poor man after I read it each time.