Just put the first rounds through my Glock 21SF


New member
Because Range report sounds generic.

[I own this image]

I had this gun for about a month now, it's my first real handgun [not counting my MK III] and finally got out to the range. Put 100 230 grain CCI LAWMAN's down range with no failures or hangs. The first magazine was all over the place but that has to be some kind of breaking in thing because all other rounds after that were spot on. I could get all 13 rounds into a center mass silhouette at 21 feet which is all I was trying to do so I'm happy but not making any promises about accuracy because I'm not going to judge 100 rounds at 21 feet as solid.

But yes, I wiped down the carbon, ran the nylon brush through the barrel and that was all it needed, if that. I'm happy with it.


New member

I have two GLOCKS. Both G-17's. 1 has had thousands of rounds threw it and yes has had its share (as most/all semis do) of stovepipes over the years, but overall is reliable as all get out. The other is the 20th anniversary G17 collectors piece with specific serial number.:D

I like GLOCKS, but as a second to 1911. I am looking at and liking (alot) the G33 in .357. We'll see i guess:eek:


New member
I love my 21sf. I added a slip on grip, which made the feel perfect for me. It is one of my most accurate handguns at 10 & 20 yards. I've been waiting on an Advantage Arms .22 conversion kit so I can shoot it cheaper. Evidently those suckers are hard to come by. Hope you get great joy from yours.