Just put a Ruger Charger on layaway


New member
I'm not sure if this belongs in General Handguns, Semi-Autos, or Rifles. This seems like the best choice.

So two months ago went to the local range, shot my 686+, and came back into the building when I was done. The store owner had a new Charger on display that wasn't there when I came into the store. I fawned over it for about twenty minutes, and I fully expected it to be gone within a few days. The following weekend, it was still there. And it was there the week after that, and the week after that, and so on.

So I haven't been shooting in about five weeks. Between the price of ammo and the fact that I'm having problems with my 686+ (another thread in the Revolvers forum), I just haven't made it to the range. Today I decided to go shooting regardless of the problems with my Smith. That Charger was still there. I had to wipe my drool off of this gun every time I looked at it. I just could not believe that someone had not purchased it.

So I took that as some kind of cosmological "sign" (/non-believer) and put it on layaway. Clearly, the universe intended that gun for me. Hey, whatever justification I can find, right? :rolleyes:

The pictures I've seen of Chargers on the intartubes seem to illustrate that Ruger didn't stick to one basic carbon-copy for the color of the stock. I've seen various colors from grey to blue to brown to greenish. This one is all grey: light grey streaked with gorgeous dark grey/black stripes. Come to think of it, it matches my two grey Mackerel tabbies.

Can't wait until this one follows me home as well!
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New member
Well there's an obstacle there. Once I actually obtain the gun, then I have to buy optics! A range report is pending, but it will probably be a few months.
Good for you, there's no beating a .22 auto for fun shooting /plinking, cost irrelevant, but when you factor ammo price in, that's a downright must-have gun.
These are cool. Sorta remind me of the old M1 Carbine Enforcers, but with an accurate XP-100 kinda edge.
Hope you don't have to wait too long. I've decided to never use layaway again. Never fails, everytime I do, something unexpected happens where I have to cancel the layaway. In March, got laid off 1 day after putting a $580. OTD .40 BHP in layaway (had enough cash on me to buy right then, but no permit). Got some money coming this month and will immediately blow on a M1A Socom 16 and Mossberg 930 SPX, and plan to get 4 or more others (cheaper stuff, and a handgun) by the end of the year. But will save on my own, and avoid my layaway jinx. Concentrating on SLRs for now, mostly, but including a 10/22.

Do these come with bipod standard? I think a pistol like this demands a red-dot or reflex, regardless. I have no experience of value with optics period, but have heard Tru-Glo are very good for the money.
Be sure to stock up on tons of 25/30 rounders, you can never have enough loaded rounds on deck for a .22 pistol.
Good luck, know you'll enjoy this one.
Like a friendlier looking Tec-22 that actually works.


New member
The shop I get most stuff from has one also - $289 I think. I'll get one sooner or later but no great rush. Got enough projects pending now.


New member
I just took possession of a Ruger Charger (ordered it a couple of weeks back from a local dealer), and it looks to be a thing of beauty. It comes with a good-sized carry bag, bipod, gun lock, paperwork, etc., inside a nice carry box. A Weaver rail is mounted on it as well. I ordered a scope from CDNN two days ago (nothing fancy or horribly expensive but with some adequate horsepower) and should have it back and mounted and ready for a good workout a week from now. This should be a great gun for a fun and inexpensive day at the range.


New member
What should I be looking for as far as a sighting system for this when I finally have it in hand? I don't have any experience with scopes or red dot, other than the scope on my dad's Remington 700 and I hate the relief on that thing.

To me a red dot on the Charger makes perfect sense as it it wont be used for anything further than 100 yards or so, but then again a good scope with some decent magnification would probably yield greater accuracy at those longer ranges.

Scope would probably be more expensive as well.

What are the pros and cons of scopes and red dots?

Ralph Allen

New member
I have a Charger. I put a Burris Speed Dot red dot sight on mine. You don't have eye relief problems with a red dot sight. The gun is very accurate. I think with a scope the accuracy would increase. The red dot sight is extremely quick on target acquisition. The gun is a truckload of fun.