Just plain offensive -- attacking Charlton Heston

Garand Illusion

New member
I don't remember seeing this on this site. It's from awhile back, but gunguys.com sure made the most of it.

Mocking Heston

His favourite scene was where Penny, carrying a dead cowboy, rode through the rain to apply for the dead man's job, only to be mocked. Mr Heston saw this as the plight of every white, rural, Protestant, god-fearing, gun-owning male in America. Their voices, too, went unheard. But they would knock the water from their hats and carry on.

gunguys.com drivel

It wasn’t just Heston’s famed role as Moses that “The Economist” was referring to. It was his stint as the symbol of the NRA and the relationship of “gun rights” to white males in the United States who feel threatened by the emergence of minorities and women in positions of power.

The NRA many years ago became a political organization (particularly through its legislative arm), engaged in a cultural war that spilled over into the political arena. And it has tenaciously advanced the interests of the gun industry in a fanatical and harmful way to the welfare of the public.

Charlton Heston, when his acting career dried up, became the Moses of a political “pro-gun” movement that was largely fueled by a fear of cultural change.

In the end, he didn’t lead a nation to the Promised Land, though. He led us into a nightmare of gun anarchy in America.