Just picked up first 1911

News Shooter

New member
A Springfield Armory used.

I'm not a gunsmith, but it has failure to feed issues. Should I assume it is magazine related? It doesn't seem to be forcing the round up to the breech


New member

try a new mag, different ammo, maybe even change your grip a little. See how things go from there. More then likely it's something simple but then again you start with the simple things first and progress from there. Be Safe Out There Kurt


New member
It sounds like your magazine. The mag spring might also be installed backwards. Push the follower down with a pencil and push a wire through one of the holes in the mag to hold the spring down. Pull the follower out and look at the spring. Is the loose end of the spring towards the barrel? If not, turn the spring around.


New member
First thing to check would be the magazine. I recommend using a Wilson Combat 7-round magazine (they are more reliable than the 8-round magazines). See if that solves the problem.

News Shooter

New member
well, here's the update

Bought a chip McCormack magazine and different ammo.
It was even worse than before...the jam was so bad I was afraid I'd never get it open. I finally did...bullet was pretty much crushed
I have no idea what is going on

Hunter Customs

New member
News Shooter,
There's several things that can be taking place causing the gun to fail to feed.
Seeing that you have tried different mags and ammo here's some other things that need to be checked.

Extractor clocking or improper tension.
Improper recoil spring weight or the spring in backwards.
Feed ramp depth and angle.
Breech face for smoothness and being square.
Gun timing.
Barrel throating.

All of the above are very important issues that need to be correct for the gun to be reliable.
Bob Hunter


New member
I've had bad luck with Chip McCormick mags. My guess is that the bullet nose-dived into the feed ramp. I've had better luck with the 7 round Wilson Combat magazines -- not the 8 round mags, but the 7 round mags. The 7 round magazines have a stronger spring and a different follower that forces the round higher into the gun.


New member
The biggest question is what profile is your bullet? Anything but BALL ammo (no wad/semi-wad/hollow points) in a 230gr size is gonna be relaible without cutting into the gun.

Since it is used, is there any chance that the previous onwer had work done?


New member
Polish the "throat" or feed ramp to a shiny smooth finish.
Some pistols refuse to feed certain types of ammo.Maybe you'll have to try different bullet types to see what it likes.
Make sure you are getting the clip all the way in. Make sure the clip spring is strong and the follower is going up and down smoothly.
Make sure the inside of the clip is clean and there's nothing to hang the follower on in there.
A lot of times I have seen this happen from folks storing full clips for long periods of time causing the spring to weaken.
Make sure you have a good quality clip,not a cheepo aftermarket junk.
Springfields are good pistols and usually don't cause many problems if kept clean and tuned.


New member
I have 11 1911 type pistols by 5 different makers and they all work great with Chip Mccormick mags. My most recent one had similar FTF problems. The previous owner had taken too much off the feed ramp in the frame and bullets jammed against the bottom of the ramp on the barrel. I carefully polished the bottom of the barrel ramp with fine emery cloth to remove the sharp edge on the bottom and it helped a lot. Also if there is a soft recoil buffer remove it. I ended up using the frame with a Kimber 22 slide but I had made it work with 45. I usually buy used 1911's but am learning to look them over closely for poor workmanship. If your Springfield doesn't work someone has probably worked on it who shouldn't have.

kart racer

New member
A photo or better description would help a great deal.There are some folks on here that can get you going in the right direction.If all else fails,s/a will take care of ya.


New member
Post your misgivings on the THR's gunsmithing and repairs and aks for tuner or old fuff before you polish anything on the feed ramp. Those two gentlemen over there are walking legends who've straighened out many a problem on that forum so give them a try.