just ordered 2 garands from cmp...........


New member
with my 0% intrest untill aug '06 credit card. i have 2 field grades coming one s/a and one H&R. can anyone tell me what to expect in the field grade in terms of metal and wood? tia


New member
External condition will be the same as a Service grade or Rack grade. They aren't gauged on external condition, only on the barrel.

You'll have nicks and dents. Maybe a bit of wood chipped off somewhere. My latest one looks like it took a bayonet to the front handguard. Stock wasn't matched, but didn't look bad. If you get lucky, you'll get one of the thinner wristed ones, but most I have seen had the thicker wrist.

Bore should be good and shootable. All in all, a good gun, but nothing like a colectors grade condition. Something that a guy would be issued on the battlefield and be happy with. Good enough that my grandpa would rather have that one over the one he had in the Marines in the early 50's.


New member
Take them completely down, give a good cleaning, pay attention to a good barrel scrubbing. Put grease in the areas recommended and have fun......the oversized upper forearm can be sanded down to fit more within the parameters of the rest of the wood....


New member
not to hijack your thread but do you need an FFL to purchase a rifle from CMP? i checked out their order form and it looked the same as what you fill out in the store. do they just run a check on you?

Guy B. Meredith

New member
No FFL--which makes it even more fun to order for delivery to California.

They do, however, require so much personal information that I decided not to use either a credit card or personal check for payment and sent the order by registered mail. Call me paranoid about identity theft, but...


New member
not to hijack your thread but do you need an FFL to purchase a rifle from CMP? i checked out their order form and it looked the same as what you fill out in the store. do they just run a check on you?

They run the check and Fedex the rifle directy to your doorstep.


New member
i had no choice but to use a credit card due to my 0% intrest untill august '06, talk about a layaway plan........not to hijack my own thread but when using corrossive ammo do i need to clean out the gas ports as well as the barrell?


New member
When using corrosive ammo, you must clean anything the gases touch. Barrel, gas system, bolt, area around the bolt, muzzle. I don't mind it for bolt guns, but I just find it too time consuming to clean autoloader guns shot with corrosive ammo.