Just mentioning something here


New member
Just thought I would share a little conversation I had with a good friend with you all here.
My friend and I was speaking about our parents when he mentioned how his father died.
When my friend was much younger, about 50 years ago, he live out in the country. They had an old single barrel shot gun.
The safety never worked on it. Everyone knew it and was careful of it.
Years went by, and then one night several years ago his father heard a noise in the barn. He thought it was a fox after his hens.
He took the gun and went outside and he tripped over something, and the gun went off and killed him.
It is sometimes haunting when things that could of been correct so many times and so long ago, come back and haunt you 50 years later.
I hope you all here, never have a firearm that has a failed safety.
If you do, you need to get it fixed.
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