Just Me ??


New member
I have been carrying a CCW for years now. If for some reason I need to leave the weapon home I feel very naked without it. It has really become an extension of me and part of my wardrobe. Anyone else feel "empty" when they don't have their gun with them??


New member
Now that you mention it...


Much like if I don't wear socks or a belt or my wallet or something.

Not "empty" so much as "lacking" or undressed.


New member
I know this isn't the same but,

I've been carrying a knife for so long that it's more a part of me than clothes. I'll go out to fetch the paper in the dead of winter through a few inces of snow without shoes or socks sometimes if I'm running late, but never sans a knife of some sort on me. I can easily see where a carry piece would become second nature.


New member
I also really miss my gun when I don't have it on me. Especially when I'm at work. I always figure that the one time I leave it home, is the time I'm going to need it. What reason do you guys have to leave your guns home?


New member
That's why I have a Kel-Tec P32 in addition to my serious stuff. When I do not feel comfortable carrying a 40cal or .357, the P32 goes with me.


New member
Yep, if I go to dinner and have to leave the sidearm at home, something feels...missing. I spend the whole night making sure I've still got my wallet, keys etc.



New member
Nope. Anytime you get habituated to something, you feel funny without it. I'm the same way. That pound and a half just belongs on my hip.


New member
In answer to your question, yes.
Back home (Indiana) I carried every day.
I've been in NJ for a little over two months, and not a day goes by that I don't feel as if I'm forgetting something.
And no, the pepper spray does not allay my feelings.


I am the same way. When I moved to Indiana, I had to stop carrying until my permit came in the mail. It was a scary few months.


New member
Heck, I feel that way even when I have to leave it in the car for a few minutes when I go into a place (like Federal property) where it is illegal to carry. It is worse when I have to go all day without, my body is use to the weight, my pants are sized for the holster IWB ect.


New member
What are you doing running around without your pistol? Remember, as Henry Bowman said, carrying a gun is like wearing a seatbelt, you have to do it all the time in order to be effective.


New member
You mean I should be wearing a seatbelt right now?

I always feel like I'm off my game even if I forget my watch or my pocketknife and it's just a 2" UNCLE HENRY.


New member
Sometimes I know that I will be going into a place where carrying is not allowed so I leave the gun home. Unfortunately leaving a gun in your car in Massachusetts is a no-no.


New member
I had to spend 3 weeks in New York last year and found out I couldn't even take a pistol. It was infuriating to walk around unarmed knowing that I was defenseless against "bad people". I found myself doing a lot more "what iffing" regarding looking for cover, escape routes, etc. When you allow any government to disarm you, the bad guys truly rule. It especially irked me when I drove to Vermont one weekend and realized how different 2 adjoining states could be. It sure was nice to get back to Texas.