Just joined the NRA, + Question.


New member
Just joined the NRA, + Question. *UPDATE* If interested in NRA, Please Read

I just joined the NRA! Seemed to be about time, finally done with the school stuff, and I figured I can spare a few bucks for ammunition to help keep shooting it.

Question: How long does it take for the card and # to arrive. I am applying for membership at a range near me, and they require this for membership. The president of the club is a close friend, and I don't think I will have a problem without it, but I also want to do this right. Any thoughts?
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New member
I can't remember exactly how long it took me to receive my card, but 10 business days sounds about right. Mostly, I wanted to congratulate you and thank you for joining the NRA, they do a great job of lobbying on our behalf and also educating people on the shooting sports and gun safety.


New member
I asked this question because I am looking to apply for a local range, and one of the membership requirements is NRA member. I wanted to get this done quick (getting twitchy, lol). I emailed the NRA Member Services with a request to have my # emailed to me sooner with all of my member information that I gave with the app. Within 3 MINUTES i recieved an email back from Morgan @NRA with all of my information. Thats downright Amazing! Glad to be a member!