Just how good is the Remington 700 CDL SF's ?


New member
I have the opportunity to get one at a great price and I can't find any reviews or info on them .... :confused:

CDL (not even sure what it stands for ...Classic Deluxe L? ) Stainless Fluted Barrel.

It's not a Limited which list at only a couple bucks more.

It has great balance holding it , but I know noting about it's accuracy , trigger , reliability etc etc.

Unlike the Weatherby and Tikka's they make no claim to gurantee accuracy , but instead just make the worthless claim that they're Unrivaled Out-Of-The-Box Accuracy. which quite honestly don't mean squat compared to the Weatherby's Sub MOA gurantees and the target's shot to prove that the rifle is indeed accurate.

Also can the triggers be user adjusted ?

I HAVE found a lot of complaints about 700 triggers.



New member
Remington 700's are a great rifle, the CDL SF should be a very fine shooter. I have four 700's myself and have fired several dozens more and never shot one that was in-accurate or un-reliable. Remington 700's are by far the most popular model for building custom target and tactical rifles in the US. They are very reliable, as testament to this the military and various law enforcement agencies have been using 700's for around the last 40 years. The trigger is certainly adjustable on the 700, most people just prefer to go ahead and replace the trigger with a aftermarket anyways. There are several reviews on various 700's here at TFL(just use the search feature) or on other sites such as www.snipercountry.com, and lots of others. You are correct on the CDL SF standing for Classic Deluxe Stainlesss Fluted. I Hope this helps.


New member
Thank you for the response Boltgun71 ... I have one other question for you if I could bother you for an opinion.

I can get the CDL SF for one heck of a deal brand new .... or I can get an XCR at what I believe is a decent price ... is their a big advantage to one over the other ?

For what I can get the CDL for , I could ALMOST buy an XCR stock from Cabela's , but I don't know if the barrel and action is better , one from the other or almost identical sans the fluting ???



New member
The big difference between the XCR and the CDL is actually in the finish. The XCR has a new weather resistant coating called the TriNyte™ Corrosion Control System. It makes it much more impervious to weather and rust resistant. If you plan to hunt with the rifle a-lot in foul weather the XCR may be the better option. Besides that they should both shoot equally as well. The XCR stock is nice but if I were to buy a replacement stock for the 700 I would go with a H&S Precision or McMillan. They are leaps and bounds ahead of Remingtons factory stocks for durability and accuracy. If you like the CDL and have a good price on it and wont be hunting alot in the rain with it(or simply clean it reguarly after each hunt if you do) go for it and get it. The differences between the XCR and CDL stocks wouldn't make the choice for me. If you hunt in Alaska, Maine, Washington, or someplace similar I would strongly consider the XCR for its improved finish. Hope this helps.


New member
Yes, Stainless Steel is corrosion resistant but not rust proof. After enough exposure or in-proper care stainless steel will rust as well. It wont rust as fast as traditional chrome moly steel used in firearms but will still eventually if not taken care of. Under normal conditions and proper care there should be no issues with Stainless Steel.
As with the XCR the Trynite coating is supposed to completely seal the surface of the metal so oxidation can not occur unless the finish itself is removed or damaged.