Just hit the Motherlode!

Harry Callahan

New member
Another ho-hum night night turned to gold for me last night. Being off with the kids for spring break this week my son and I went to the range to spray some lead. Afterwards, my buddy asked me if I wanted to come over for a couple of pops, to which I agreed. It was getting late in the night and i was getting ready to leave when I realized I still had my weapons in the trunk of my car. A couple of them were fairly new and I was dying to show them off so I asked my buddy's wife if it was alright to bring them in for show and tell. She is normally on the fence when it comes to guns, neither real anti or pro. I assured her the guns were unloaded and she agreed to let me bring them in. So I brought in my newest additions to the Callahan family a S&W Model 66snubbie, a Browning Hi Power Practical(.40), and a Colt HBAR(.223). I was kind of apprehensive as I didn't know how she would react the the appearance of the Colt. But you could have heard a pin drop when she saw it. My buddy said Wow, is that cool! Slowly a smile creapt on her face as she saw the menagerie of weapons before her. She finally asked when I would take her to the range. She then suggested that maybe we could make it a family affair and bring her kids too. They are 21 and 18. It occurred to me that when people finally get to see what their missing when it come to guns they sell themselves. What a productive night. Seems like I just won 3 or 4 over to our side!

Wyo Cowboy

New member
Slow and non-threatening will usually get a better response. Good job!

Years ago, just after the "assault ban" passed, a friend of my wife was visiting and being anti-gun she made a comment in support of the "ban". My wife cringed and waited for my response. I simply asked Karen if she would like to see an "assault" weapon. She kind of hesitated, then quietly asked, "YOU have an ASSAULT RIFLE"? I got up, went to the safe and returned with my "assault rifle"... a Winchester 1873. Karen looked at it and said, "Oh, no. That's not what was banned. Only machineguns! They would never ban this." I had a great openning to explain the real elements of the law and how politicians and the media spin things to get what they want. She then asked my wife how she felt about my owning guns. My wife smiled and asked, "What makes you think that all of the guns are his?". Karen now owns 2 rifles and a handgun.:)