Just had a nasty thought...


New member
What if the anthrax that's been sent to folks like Daschle and Brokaw was homegrown? By some right-wing crazy?


New member
What if the anthrax that's been sent to folks like Daschle and Brokaw was homegrown? By some right-wing crazy?

Actually thats a very good possibility. :eek:


New member
I suppose its possible, I just sure hope its not true. I've already read news articles that suggest "right-wing militias" may be involved. IMNSHO, the news media and certain .gov thugs are trying to use it to push their agenda: National ID, federalization of airport security (among other things), increased surveillance by wiretapping/internet eavesdropping, etc.

They can't expect to make all that stuff "legal" if they don't have more domestic enemies to rationalize it. I can already hear the sheeple bleeting "P..P..Please protect us, o' all-knowing government!"



New member
weapons grade anthrax requires some precise milling to get it into that fine of an airborn powder

suposedly only USA, Russia & Iraq have the technology

rightwing extremists would prolly be dead from the production attempts

there also was no homegrown test phase

me thinks this was an imported brew

Gary H

New member
How would they get the Anthrax? 1 - 5 micron stuff takes lots of money and high-tech. The supplier is either Iraq, or Russian organized crime. That's not to say that it isn't possible, but it isn't on the top of my list of suspects.

Marko Kloos

New member
I've said it before, back when everyone was happily chiming into the "give Ashcroft the Big Hammer" chorus:

You give the Feds the power to walk all over civil liberties for "fighting terrorism", and you may find very soon that rather than return those powers, they will just expand the definition of the phrase "terrorist". All it takes is to start referring to "domestic terrorists", and suddenly those wiretaps and warrantless arrests so many folks favor for "them Ay-rabs" will suddenly apply to gun owners and other such troublemakers.


New member
lendsringer is right on the money. Initially there was talk of having the new legislation have a 'sunset' provision. Yeah, right. Has anything the government passed ever sunset? Once they have the power, they'll never let it go.

Mr. James

New member

I won't say "I told you so" (because lendringser already did), but I'm still astounded at how eager people are to trade their essential liberties for a chimera called "safety."

Come to think of it, :mad:


New member
Much of that government power already exists in the Constitution. Under the provision during "Rebellion and Invasion", the government is granted powers it does not normally have.

A chief example is the suspension of the Writ of Habeas Corpus, whereby a person can be arrested and held indefinitely without charges being placed.

President Lincoln suspended Habeas Corpus during the Civil War (or War Between the States, if you prefer). In one instance, he had a significant part of the State of Maryland government arrested and held in Fort McHenry. It was to prevent the Maryland legislature from assemblying and taking a vote to secede from the Union or not.

In a way, I kind of wish Pres. Bush would do that today. :D

I assume that most States and other government entities have some provision for declaring martial law, and preventing certain civil liberties such as the right to assemble, acquire ammunition, curfews, etc.


New member
I don't believe that any of the anthrax delivered thus far has been weapons grade. I thought that most, if not all, has been garage/lab grade.


New member
lendringser, mpthole, Mr James and others

In light the laws our 'eleceted' officials are passing and considering( National ID card, Anti-Terrorism Bill, DoD Demilitarization, Gun control) and they way they "add" buried riders to bills, influence the media and limit access to natioan elections and debates, create Alphabet soup agencies and generally ignore our Natural Rights - perhaps it is time for the People to dissolve the Fedies and start again.

"When in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation."


New member

Actually, CNN and others are reporting that the anthrax Daschle recieved is weapons grade. I think that this is the tip of the iceberg. Everyone is right, the chances of any of being targeted are remote. But it is entirely possible to target our government and leadership...and I think that's whats happening. I hope I'm wrong, but I have the feeling we will be seeing a LOT of people come down with the inhaled version soon. Things are gonna get bad before they get any worse. If anyone has evidence to the contrary, please change my mind :(


New member
What if he was a left wing crazy ? Hell, we got pleanty enough crazies to go round. But if I were a betting man I'd bet on the bunch of craziest SOB's there is, and no it's not the Amway folks, it's the Us.gov - what bigger group of power hungery lunatics can you think of ?

PS DZ I didn't forget about the Molon Labe Bumpers, just slacked off a little ( you'd have never guessed I could do that eh ? ) - I promise I will get it together though shortly.


New member
[adjusting tinfoil hat]

Isn't it interesting that its been Daschle and Feingold's staffers that have gotten sick; and that Fienstien is on the "Anti-Terrorism" committee or whatever it is. Are these people sick enough to have had a hand in these events so that they may further their own socialist/leftist agenda?

[/adjusting tinfoil hat]


New member
Any government/agency that can stage a 200 man raid for a $200 tax stamp just days before an appropriations hearing about said agency's budget, just to look good for the bosses, thus to get a bigger budget, is indicitive of an agency/government capable of anything.


New member
You mentioned some "...right wing crazy". Let me be the first to say I DID NOT DO IT and I'll swear to it on a stack of Bibles. No way. Nada.

Hope that takes the heat off me right up front.

Now the rest of you are on your own!


New member
No offense to any militia members out there, but I dont know how many militia members have the intellectual and monetary means to produce anthrax.

I believe they will be able to track down where the anthrax came from.

DNA fingerprinting should be able to allow them to do that with great accuracy.

I suspect we have knowledge of what Saddam's anthrax is like from a DNA standpoint... and i bet when you compare these, they are going to be identical. I doubt Saddam is behind the attacks directly, but I suspect he was the source for the anthrax.

Whoever is perpetrating these acts WANTS the US to attack on the ground in Afghanistan.

Gary H

New member
Reports that I have been reading claim that this D.C. stuff is more like Russian Anthrax and that Iraq mainly uses Anthrax in a liquid form. I'm in favor of getting rid of Saddam regardless of where this stuff comes from.

Food for thought..

If this stuff is from Russia, it was probably sold on the black market. If they can sell Anthrax, then why not small nuclear weapons?


New member
I think it's imported.
If it were in any way related to any domestic right wing organization or person then I'm pretty sure that Hillary would be buried under the stuff. :p