Just had a great weekend


New member
I went camping with my son (6 yrs), my nephew (10yrs), a buddy of mine and his two sons (10 yrs and 13 yrs). We camped in a private woods that had a shooting range set up on it. My buddy and his sons were non shooters. Not antis, just never had a chance to shoot before. I gave all three a safety brief and nobody was allowed to pick up a weapon until they could repeat the 4 rules. We stuck to BB guns and .22 rifles on the first day while the boys were learning to aim. By the end of the day the boys made up a game of "horse" with the BB gun. Same rules as basketball except that I monitored for safety. Those kids played against each other for about 3 hours :D The competition really improved the boys' marksmanship. The second day we graduated to my SKS and my Walther P99. We had a blast. Their favorite target was shooting at a brick with the SKS. Nothing like a reactive target to keep things interesting! They can't wait to go again and my buddy is considering buying his own SKS. Three converts, one weekend! WooHoo!!!! And now I have more people to go shoot with.


New member
Hmmm, Hoosiers making a shooting game derived from basketball? How odd! :D

Way to go, Dad. Each one, teach one (or three). We'll lick this gun control stuff is no time flat. :)


New member
Rather than a brick, I saw in a Wal-Mart somewhere in Kansas a target holder for clay pidgoens. It had a chute that I think held six of them, with the bottom one exposed. You shot it, it broke, and the next one slid down. IIRC the package indicated it was for use with BB guns, but I think it would work well with everything from slingshots to SKSs.
Ahh, the joy of shooting. As a youth, I taught my cousin how to shoot a BB gun. To this day, he still remembers the fun we had.