Just gotta vent a little...


New member
Guys, this has been sorta festering...
Hey - I told you so.

Yeah, all you folks who are out there, buying up the next three years' supply of July 4th flags - I'm talking to you. You're the same folks who, for the past few years, have been dumping all over everything this country does. Well, I'm tired of it. Would all the nice entertainment folks feel all torn up if the terrorists had bombed Tulsa? Or Peoria? Flyover country is the USA too...

Don't get me wrong - New York is part of the USA, and even if New Yorkers aren't the most fun folks to party with, they're MY darn New Yorkers, and I get angry when someone does nasty things to 'em...

Don Gwinn

Staff Emeritus
The ones who really get me are the ones who ran out and got two flags on Sept. 12th even though they've never flown the flag before, and now feel free to comment on the patriotism of anyone around them who doesn't have a flag flying.

Hey, jerk, my flag is in my window--and it's been there since I bought the house. I was flying Old Glory before it was trendy, along with voting and teaching children about the Constitution and our responsibility to freedom for every American--and now because you spent $20 on two flags made in China you're a better American than I am? Sit down and shut up.

I think it's great that so many people have woken up to what kind of country they live in, but don't act superior about it or you might get an earful.

....and I'm spent.

Long Path

New member
Heh-heh... Gwinny's vent-ting.

I've been stalled for the last 7 weeks buying a HUD house. In front of the house against the driveway is a 12' tall silver pole with a 12" flat piece of steel mounted to it on the driveway side near the top, clearly once used as a pole for a backboard and hoop. My friends said,"Hey! Basketball!" My wife said,"Hmn. Hadn't even noticed that." I said,"I've already designated it a flagpole."

I wish it had been popular to love this nation before. But I'm delighted that it is popular to love it now. NOW, if we can just get everyone to collectively remember what this nation is about....



New member
Time for a mea culpa. When we moved to our current house, I didn't put out the flagpole. Yes, I put the small flags on the lawn for the holidays. But I didn't get around to putting up the real flag until the 9/11.

If putting things into perspective is any excuse, the sink and shower have been dripping hot water for three years, too.

Don Gwinn

Staff Emeritus
Like I said, I think it's GREAT that so many people have decided that now is the time to put the flag out. If ever there was a time, God knows this is it. It doesn't annoy me until these "converts to Americanism" want to talk smack about how their neighbors aren't quite as patriotic as they could be. I'm going to start asking these geniuses random Constitutional trivia.

If you didn't put out your flag until 9/11, but you understand that it's just a show of your support and patriotism and not yet another status symbol to lord over your neighbors, I have no problem with you.

I'm gonna go get a beer. Thanks for listening. I don't vent much but when I do it has to come out or I get a tad cranky.

Hey, as long as I'm venting, what's with these idiots my wife is watching on TV? They're a group of fat women who are calling for people to boycott "My Wife and Kids" because it has an episode coming up which shows the cast in fat suits and makes jokes about fat people.
You know what? I'm fat. You know what else? You're fat too, Little Debbie. In fact, you're fatter than I am, and I go about 340. I hate being fat, too, but rather than bitch about the fact that some people think it's funny that I'm fat, I decided to go back to the gym and watch what I eat. I weighed 350 two weeks ago and now I'm a little bit healthier--you, on the other hand, are merely angry at other people for pointing out the truth about being fat. Well, guess what: being fat, for 99% of us, is purely a matter of choice, and you don't get to be angry because people make fun of you for choosing to be slow, unhealthy, and ugly.
Either accept that you're fat and people who aren't will find that funny, or start getting unfat. In the meantime, don't bother me with your mindless twaddle.

Check in again in an hour; there'll probably be another rant here. It's been some week.

Point Blank

New member
I hope you all dont lose your patriotism and the love for your country when your taxes jump from 28% to 46% to help pay for all this mess thats going on. 10 billion here, 20 billion there,10 more over there........A few more gun related laws by the goverment thats bound to happen sooner or later will have you up in arms!!!! Dont get me wrong, i love America, but i dont like where we are headed, and i surely dont trust her leaders....Sure, if you happen to be filthy rich, like 99% of our countries leaders there's no sweat off your ass, but the poor to middle class will be tested on their faithfulness in the years to come. In short be proud to wave your flag if it makes you feel better, but be assured, that all it would take is some law like mandatory gun registration, or gun related laws that California already have in place and that flag will not look as attractive as it does now. Things will never be the same and only a fool would think "everything" will get better. As for me, time for me to write out a check to the city of Atlanta for $436.88...for the house that i "supposably" own, because even though i OWN this house,and have no morgage, if i dont pay my taxes that they figure i owe, they will seize it, and sell it at a sherriffs auction.


New member
Hey, Don...

I'm down to 272 pounds, from 380...

Feel better, and should we be overrun by a buncha camel-ridin' targets, I'm ready for 'em...


We bought the flag bracket for our current house before we signed the papers to buy the house. Someday I'm going to put an actual flagpole in the front yard. Being married to a veteran that came from a family of veterans we have always waived the flag with pride.

The part of all this that irritates me is the improper use and waiving of the flag. We have told many people in our community that they have it backwards, it's touching the ground or that they shouldn't be flying it at night. The high and mighty, thinks he's better than everyone else, president of our homeowners association (and that's another pet peeve for another day) flies his flag 24x7, rain or shine, day or night and it is getting so tattered you would think it was at Fort McHenry when Francis Scott Key wrote the Star Spangled Banner.

I hope this new patriotism will continue too but I flip the chanel even faster than before when Jay Leno and Rosie come on TV with their weapy eyes and expressions of support.

Point Blank, I'm sorry about your taxes in Atlanta. Acworth isn't too bad but Stone Mountain wasn't a treat either. I have twice as much house in Acworth than I did in Stone Mountain but my taxes were only a couple of hundred dollars higher. Go figure. That's metro Atlanta for you.

Of course, you know what they call the victim of a violent crime...... A NEW REPUBLICAN.


Don, I wanted to share in your enthusiasm in your decision to loose weight.

I am also very large but have been working out and dieting.

I had hip surgery in August of 2000 due to a staff infection I got, we think from blisters I got during a weekend trip to New York City where I did more walking in heels than I expected to because we were with a large party with my husbands employer. Then two weeks before Christmas I was coming out of a fast food restaurant and their rug went one way and my leg (same side as the hip) went the other and broke my leg. I was so depressed at not being able to get around and couldn't exercise that I put on 20 lbs. Making my highest weight about 274. As soon as I got the cast (boot) off at the end of March I decided to do something about this and by mid April started dieting, exercising and drinking lots of water.

I am now down to 228 and still going strong. I don't get to exercise as much as I would like since school started for the kids but I still eat better. My biggest secret is I eat about 3 to 5 pounds of watermelon a day (about half a watermelon). It is very filling but also flushes you out too.

Keep up the good work and don't let those whiny TV types get you down.


New member
Well, I just eat a lot of steaks, seafood, bacon & eggs for breakfast, etc...

I just don't eat any sugar, and I've seriously minimized the starches, and amounts, that I consume... Since January 5, I've lost 108... Bought a pair of XXL BDU pants and an XXL BDU jacket when I was at Knob Creek (did anyone else notice they've got their own "attraction" sign on one of the green interstate signs?), and expect to have to give the pants away in six months or so...


Bogie, Congrats. That is fantastic. I'll think of you as an inspriation.



New member
Anybody who didn't already have a flag should've taken that as a sort of sign.

I'll fly my flag on the inside, night or day, popular or not.

SW 586

New member
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I thought it was acceptable to fly the flag at night so long as it was illuminated by artificial light. Mine is installed on my front porch at a 45 deg. angle on a makeshift bracket that does not lend itself to easy and quick removal and I have been leaving it up 24/7 with the front porch keeping it well illuminated. Is this O.K.? Thanks

Art Eatman

Staff in Memoriam
Ever since the Northeast Asia War Games (tie) of the 1950s, I haven't felt any need for a patriotic display. Those that matter, know; those that don't know, don't matter.

Recently, my step-mother informed me I should start going to church on Sunday, and reading the Bible. I responded that I'd rather live it than talk about it; the Good Lord and I get along real well just as things are, thank you. And I get along right well with the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, whether Congress does or not.

And I keep getting to WalMart just after they're sold out of flags...

Actually, I'm just hoping that the 911 wakeup call doesn't turn out to just be another fad. Patriotism is "cool" right now, but how long will it be before too many folks can't really remember what the fuss was all about?

Apologies for the cynicism...



New member
My only flag is folded, and in a display case on the mantle, along with my ribbons/medals and a nice little brass plate with all my duty stations. Not impressed with most of the "flag" waving lately. Most seems to be either "fad" or too often "commercial". Figure that doing it counts a lot more than waving things around. I spent 22+ in the Navy, oldest daughter spent 20, younger daughter did one tour in the Army, her husband is still in and her son is now in as well. Figure we are doing our part.


New member
Even if it is only a fad right now aand everyone is using this thread as an excuse to vent, be greatful that once in a great while, there has been positive coverage about the US in most of the media- even if it is a bunch o drunken thugs at a stadium chanting USA. Shoot your guns, love your families, it separates us from the liberals and the peace nicks.

Don Gwinn

Staff Emeritus
I believe that the flag is technically supposed to have its own light, but the point is to have it illuminated so that it is easy to see in full color at night. If you do that, then I'm sure you're fine.

What can I say? It was a long week. I'm doing about the same thing as Bogie is in trying to cut out sugars, though I eat carbs like bread and starches in smaller amounts. I try to stay right around 2000 calories per day, which is maintenance for 200 lbs, and lift twice a week. My first goal is a bodyweight squat x 20, then we'll go from there. Right now 175 x 20 is about all I can do.
(If you're laughing right now, try a 20-rep squat below parallel with good form. It ain't as easy as it sounds.) Cyn and Bogie, you're both way ahead of me. Good job.


New member
Oh, didn't mention other thread in this postings. Last May I weighed in at 280. This morning was 228. :)
Just cut out all snacks and alcohol. Pretty much eat the same (maybe a bit less). Unfortunately, strenuous exercise and lifting are no longer an option. Would make things easier.