Just got my second 1911 match 45


New member
Why Do you have to break in 1911 match barrel

Tommorrow I will pick up my new Kimber Eclipes Custom II target.:D
I have the Custom Eclipes II now and love it. It is one accurate and attractive pistol.:cool:
I do have one question. Why do the match grade barrels need to be broken in with 400-500 rounds of 45APC BALL ammo only.
I talk to dennis at the Kimber Custom shop and he said break in was 400-500 rounds of Ball only, no Hollow points or lead bullets or SWC only the ball ammo. I forgot to ask him why JRN only.
I reload my own ammo and have about 2000 45acp in SWC and JHP's but not one JRN.

Can someone fill me in why only JRN ?



Heres a picture of my first one

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New member

One reason for the break-in period is that the Kimber is built to very tight tolerances. Shooting 400-500 rounds throught the kimber will insure Very good "marry up" of the parts, insuring a good tight reliable 1911. Just like putting 500-1000 miles on a newly built-up 350 engine, to ensure a good seating of all the parts.

The reason for the round nose bullets is due to the bearing surface, of Ball ammo. Using 400-500 round would lap the barrel
insuring accuracy, and smooth out the bore, this would result in less fouling.
As for the RN it to is all surface, so as the bullet enters the barrel it will smooth out the feed ramp and other areas touched but the tip of the bullet inside the barrel. I am no gunsmith. this knowledge is just from observation.
If there is more that I missed someone else should be able to fill you in.

Enjoy you new pistol.
