Just got my Pennsylvania carry license!

Harry Callahan

New member
Yes, I live in Illinois and sent away to get my non resident permit. $26, no classes, and good for 5 years. Only took 10 days to get it from start to finish. Can't wait to go out of state and feel what it's like to be trusted to look after myself and my family without having to hope/pray the boys in blue can be depended upon to respond in time. Thank you Sheriff Nau for giving those of us wallowing in hopelessness at home the chance to feel what it's like to be an armed, responsible citizen rather than just a subject in an anti gun dictatorship.

chris in va

New member
Nice, congrats. Here's your reciprocity map from Handgunlaw.us.



New member
Congratulations. Now apply for a florida one and you are covered in quite a few states. I got my PA permit about 6 months or so ago and it was very fast. Florida takes a while though.


New member

Also, just know that your first legal CCW should be to Walmart. It is a right of passage.

Additionally, you'll think every one is staring at you. They are not. Most of them wouldn't notice you had a gun if you had it duct taped to your forehead.

Mapquest your nearest out of state Walmart and go right now!


New member
With that Penn. license you can now apply for a non-resident New Hampshire license - $20 for 4-5 years.


New member
My first one too, got it when I lived in IL. I was born in Philly and have a lot of extended family in PA still, so it worked nicely. Got a FL when I came to OH since they have reciprocity - if you've taken IL Hunter's Safety it'll meet FL's training requirement, and it extends your range a lot over the PA. Anyway, enjoy your newfound freedom :)